Freedom Of Veccoran: Prologue

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32 YEARS AGO... (Before the events of the War trilogy)

The kingdom of Goldenza is rested peacefully in silence with the moon shining down alongside low winds blowing calmly. Inside of the castle, Frandos, the current ruler of the golden city, was tossing and turning in bed due to a nightmare. Inside his dreams Veccoran was in complete chaos. Legions of warriors were slaughtered by hordes of monsters; Ardsiliqua, Enforcers, Warves, Umbrones, and demons among them. Fire reigned down from the skies as lava creatures emerged from them. Innocent lives were either killed or enslaved. In another room Frandos' son, Prince Francisco, had a similar dream. Within his nightmare, he found himself caught in the middle of chaos and destruction with legions of warriors running past him when three gigantic monsters, made out of molten rock and lava, rose up from the ground. Deadrus was close by as he directed these giant monsters towards the legions running for their lives. Back in Frandos' nightmare, his former brother in arms stared at him while Vrinigath Dread materialized behind him. The three shared long glances at each other as fire begins to spread around them. Back in Francisco's nightmare, the three giant monsters blew huge flames from their mouths while he ran to take cover, but the flames were too fast like waves as he gets burnt. Francisco suddenly awakens, nearly falling off his bed, sweating heavily.

Francisco later walks into a hallway towards a balcony outside where his father stood.

[Francisco:] Father.

[Frandos:] Francisco, my son. Bad dreams?

[Francisco:] Yes. You as well?

[Frandos:] Indeed. We both saw the world in chaos and destruction. My former brother in arms along with his master were heavily involved.

[Francisco:] What could these dreams mean? Why would the both of us have a similar dream about the end of Veccoran?

[Frandos:] Destiny my son... it is destiny. Me and you are meant to take on these two evils one day when this great calamity draws near.

[Francisco:] But father, I can't fight Deadrus. It should be you who should face him not me. He was your former brother, and I should have no part in your battles with him.

[Frandos:] I'm afraid that is not how destiny wants things to be. I have been shown that I will defeat Vrinigath Dread while Deadrus is involved in some way. You, on the other hand, will take on my former brother and defeat him. If destiny serves us right, then we can hopefully put an end to all this evil.

[Francisco:] I cannot do this father... I'm not like you. You can take on some of the most fearsome threats in Veccoran. You were even able to overcome the horrors Deadrus has already thrown against you.

Frandos places his hand on Francisco's shoulder, who turns slightly.

[Frandos:] Francisco, you don't need to be like me to face a great evil. Yes, I have overcome the odds in various moments of my life, but I was able to because I never tried to be something I could never be.

[Francisco:] How did you do it?

Francisco unveils the talisman, holding it before Francisco.

[Francisco:] What is this?

[Frandos:] It is a talisman that has been bounded to our family for generations. It was forged from an unknown element when our first ancestors first settled here. It connects us to our ancestors in times of need. My father had helped me during my journey in life, and now I pass it down to you.

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