Throne Of The King: Prologue

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(Before the events of A JOURNEY BEGINS)

It is nighttime in the realm of Veccoran. Thunder clouds fill the sky and the sound of thunder goes off throughout the air. Heavy rains come pouring down to the land below, forcing the citizens to cover themselves well and keep dry. For some, they must walk through mud and keep themselves well covered in coats. Down below in a small town: lit up with orange lights, muddy grounds, and voices of people shuffling around to avoid the rain coming down, a well cloaked and hooded figure walked through the mud filled roads. The figure passes by plenty of anamorphic citizens rushing themselves into buildings or a simple canopy. Later the figure comes across an inn with a sign that featured plenty of farm animals: cows, pigs, sheep, and goats, with the title Country Inn.

The figure enters inside to find an average crowded inn. Plenty of people are chatting, drinking, eating, sitting by small fires, or working to get a room to sleep in for the night. The figure removes his soaked hood and cloak, revealing himself to be a black panther. He had black fur with veil goldish spots, on the head only, and glowing veil eyes. The panther approaches the counter and is met by an old goat.

[Old Goat:] Good evening sir, are you here to rent a room.

[The Panther:] No, I am here to meet someone. But I would like a drink.

[Old Goat:] Of course sir, what will you be having this evening?

[The Panther:] Grape Wine.

The goat walks to the back of the counter to grab a cup and fill it up with a barrel full of the grape wine. He returns to hand the panther his requested drink.

[Old Goat:] Here you are sir, that'll be 3 gold coins.

The panther pulls out three gold coins from his pocket and hands them to the goat.

[The Panther:] Thank you.

While the goat placed away the gold, the panther took a sip of his drink while searching around for the person he was waiting for. The goat was later seen cleaning a big cup and noticed a mark on the panther's arm. It appeared to be three claw marks covering the face of a bear facing sideways.

[Old Goat:] Say... that mark on your arm is the symbol of the Regime in Goldenza. You're a rebel?

The panther turns to face the goat.

[The Panther:] Indeed I am.

[Old Goat:] What are you doing around these parts?

[The Panther:] I already told you, that I am here to meet up with someone who has information about the whereabouts of the heir to Goldenza's throne.

[Old Goat:] The heir to Goldenza's throne? But I thought there was no heir to Goldenza's throne after Francisco Dawnbreaker's death? Besides, it is all just a false prophecy.

[The Panther:] I assure you the prophecy about the last living member of the Dawnbreaker bloodline is true.

[Old Goat:] How would you know?

[Goldane:] Because I have spent the last 30 years watching over the future king of Goldenza.

[Old Goat:] Ah, Goldane my friend. Your back in town from your long travels.

[Goldane:] Yes, it is good to see you too my friend. 3 years, 7 months, and 7 days of travel.

[The Panther:] He's the one I am meeting.

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