A Journey Begins: Act Two

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[Francis:] How long until we reach Goldenza?

[Goldane:] It is a 10-day ride to the golden kingdom. I doubt we will not have an encounter with any threat Deadrus decides to send after you.

[Bonnie:] What happens if another one of Deadrus' forces finds us?

[Francis:] Well, we've got these five warriors to protect us.

[Goldane:] They will do their best to protect you, but they won't always be able to defend you. Which is why I have assigned Lightblade and Lolly to train you during our journey. You each must learn to protect yourselves, especially you Francis.

The group rests in the forest separated. Not too far from each other. Mr. Chipper was adding wood to a fire Mendo made, Goldane meditates, Balla was hanging upside down on a tree branch, ears opened, and Francis and his friends were training with Lightblade and Lolly: Francis and Bonnie with Lightblade, Felix and Charlotte with Lolly.

[Lightblade:] You're doing well for a beginner, Bonnie.

[Bonnie:] This isn't the first time I have used a sword. Also, I hear you were a White Knight of Bludhaven.

[Lightblade:] Yes, I was.

[Bonnie:] You don't sound too happy.

[Lightblade:] I prefer to speak less of my run with the White Knights. Why do you sound so energetic just by speaking about them?

[Bonnie:] I've always wanted to be a White Knight. That is a dream I've held onto since I was a much smaller boy.

[Lightblade:] Hmm... I've got advice for you.

[Bonnie:] What is it?

[Lightblade:] Don't join them.

Bonnie looked puzzled.

[Lolly:] Focus Felix, never keep your eyes off the target.

Felix was blocking a few friendly strikes from Lolly. He was evading her and defending himself. Charlotte watched from under a tree sitting next to Francis.

[Francis:] You're doing great Felix!

[Charlotte:] How does it feel to be this far from home?

[Francis:] Unnatural... I never thought I would be this far at all in my life. As much as I miss home I do admire the beauty of nature all around me.

[Charlotte:] Yeah, I love this cool breeze, the different variations of green, some of the little insects, and the motions of the trees swaying slightly.

Felix evaded another strike from Lolly. He turned over to see Charlotte wasn't paying any attention to him. This distraction caused Lolly to defeat Felix. She was standing tall while he laid flat on his back.

[Felix:] Ow...

[Lolly:] You weren't focused.

[Felix:] Sorry, just gut a bee distracted.

[Lolly:] Yes, you were.

[Mr. Chipper:] Don't worry man. Not everyone is perfect in combat.

[Mendo:] Doesn't really inspire confidence Mr. Chipper.

Lolly offers her hand to Felix. She lifts him to his feet.

[Felix:] So... how did me do?

[Lolly:] You were good until you lost focus. I wonder why that is?

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