The Legend of the Kuro Kabuto

Start from the beginning

"Hey! Watch it, Buzzkill." Fishface said. 

"Ooh, Buzzkill. That's totally what we should've called him." Mikey stated as Stockman spat acid at us.  

"Dude's got a gazillion eyes. You'd think his aim would be better." Mikey stated. 

The billboard falls on top of my brothers, much to my horror. I tried to pull the billboard but it was too heavy.

"Ugh, Y/n, is that you?" Mikey asked. 

"It's no use, Y/n. Just go. Save Karai and find your parents. We'll take care of ourselves." Raph stated and I nodded. 

"Hey freaks, I got your helmet! Come and get it!" I stated. 

"You two, finish the Turtles. We'll get the Kabuto." Tiger Claw stated. 

I run off with the helmet as Tiger Claw and Rahzar chased me. 

"Come and get me, losers." I teased as I hid behind a dumpster. 

I hear Tiger Claw and Rahzar go past me. I escape the dumpster, and just as I was about to leave, I bumped into someone. It's the dude. 

"This what you're after, hmm?" I asked, holding the bag and I have the dude a kick in the stomach. 

"Nice haircut, buddy. Here's your bag. Now have fun with your friends." I stated as I ran off.

I head to the Shredder's lair with the real Kuro Kabuto.

"Why does the fly walk into the spider's web?" Shredder asked. 

"Because all the spider's henchmen are out dealing with some other flies that will be kicking your little spiders' butts." I stated. 

"Ah. You've come to make a trade, my dear niece?" Shredder. 

"The Kuro Kabuto for Karai and my parents. I know you have them in your dungeon. Either you give me to them or you won't leave that chair again." I stated. 

"Very well. They'll have to be brought up from the dungeon.

"You raised Karai from infancy and now you lock her in a cell? How can you do that?" I asked. 

"In any conflict, the winner is the one who is prepared to do what the loser is not." Shredder stated. 

The footbot brought Karai covered in a sack to her knees.

"Let me go." Karai stated, but she didn't struggle. 

"Now, the Kuro Kabuto, my dear." Shredder stated. 

"How do I know you won't attack and capture me as soon as I give you the helmet and how do I know that's not the real Karai? She didn't struggle, in fact, that didn't even sound like her voice." I stated. 

"Of course I'm going to attack and capture you, also; you are a very observant girl. But that is the real Karai." Shredder stated. 

"Prove it, take the bag off her head and prove it to me or no deal." I stated. 

Shredder begins to attack me, who is on the defense, and ended the fight by kicking me to the wall.

"Ugh, pathetic. But that is to be expected when your so called 'Father' is a weak willed coward like Splinter. You never should've tried to do this alone, my dear niece. Hand over the kabuto!" Shredder stated. 

"NEVER! And I'm not alone!" I stated. 

Shredder looks behind his shoulder and sees the boys.

"Guys, you're okay!" I exclaimed. 

"Couldn't let you have all the fun, sis." Raph stated, holding the kabuto. 

"And none of us wants to tell Splinter we didn't try to save his daughter." Donnie stated. 

"True." I nodded. 

"Now let's take ShredHead down." Mikey stated, spinning his chucks. 

Raph tosses some shurikens at the charging Shredder, whom the later blocks it.

"Give me that helmet!" Shredder exclaimed. 

The boys toss it around while fighting the Shredder. Mikey fights the Shredder, who grabs the nunchuck and Mikey and throws him away, then kicks Leo away after he dodges an attack from him.

"You fools really believe you can defeat me?" Shredder asked. 

"No. But we kept you busy long enough to get Karai." Mikey stated as I ran to 'Karai', removed the bag and it was a bomb! 

"You'll never get out of here alive." Shredder stated. 

"You want it? Take it!" Donnie stated. 

Guys! We gotta get out of here! This isn't Karai!" I exclaimed. 

Donnie throws it and Shredder caught it. Shredder looks at the helmet to find a smoke bomb grenade in it. The smoke bomb grenade explodes causing Shredder became disoriented. Shredder finds me and the boys are no where and puts on his helmet. But Shredder's lair blew up, because of the Karai bomb, he had set up. 

"Thanks, guys." I stated. 

"We had to come, Y/n. You're our sister, right?" Raph stated. 

"Eh, more or less." I stated with my head down. 

"Hey, what's wrong?" Leo asked. 

"That monster, keeping my parents away from me. I'm sneaking in his lair tomorrow night and I'm getting my parents and Karai." I stated. 

"No, you're not. You promised, we'd do this together." Raph stated. 

"I never promised anything, Raph. I'm going whether you like it or not." I stated. 




Hey, my little ninjas!

Spring Break is over and so I will be going back to one chapter a day. 

Plan 10 is coming out tomorrow! 

I love you all! 


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