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Around Eight Years Later

"Seaweed Brain," Annabeth called, "Can you take Charlie to school?"

"Okay Wise Girl," Percy called to his wife. Percy got ready and got Charlie dressed. "You ready little man?"

"Yea daddy," Charlie said. Percy laughed and took Charlie to school. "Stay smart like your mom, don't get in trouble like me though."

"Don't worry daddy, I'm intelligent enough."

Percy said goodbye and chuckled to himself, his son had his hair and smirk, but had his mother's eyes and intelligence. Percy drove back to his home which was originally the Argo.

"Wise Girl, you still here?" Percy called.

Annabeth came down stairs looking as beautiful as ever. "Seaweed Brain, we've been retired for four years, what else are we going to do?"

Percy just held her, "I don't know, we could escape for the day."

Annabeth laughed, "Back to Montauk where we had fun during our honeymoon?"

"Who knew my wife thinks like that?" Percy teased, "I thought you were too much of a goody two shoes."

Annabeth glared at him and judo flipped him, "From what I recall, I was the one who initiated it."

Percy laughed and rolled his eyes, "I was just trying to see if you wanted to be safe."

"Gods I was so glad when I was pregnant," Annabeth remembered, "Work was a pain in the ass."

"To be fair we wanted to stay away from the field action," Percy said, "Gives us time for our passion projects.

Annabeth continued her architecture firm and worked at home. Percy worked at a marine life research center part time. They went on the couch watching some random show called Peter Johnson and the Olympians.

"This show is actually pretty good but the book is better," Annabeth commented and yawned which Percy thought was cute even after these years.

"We should go to the bedroom to be comfortable," Percy recommended.

Annabeth just cuddled into him basically asking for Percy to carry her. Even as adults it still doesn't mean they could act like children.

"You always seem to do this on our off days from anything," Percy chuckled and carried her to the bedroom which she squeaked in delight.

They cuddled together on the bed reminiscent of their past occupations as some of the greatest agents in the world.

"You know that Luke, Thalia, Grover, and basically the whole agency, even Chiron bet on when we would get together," Annabeth said into Percy's chest.

Percy laughed knowing that he knew about it and rigged it. He told her about it, "I knew about since I went undercover, I kind of rigged it so Chiron could win."

Annabeth looked at him and slapped his shoulder, "That's why they were mad and grumbling when you came back, they got their bet wrong."

Percy laughed, "Imagine telling our past selves that we fall in love and get married."

"I think my younger self would be so disappointed," Annabeth said, "You know when you were Triton and met with Chiron, I was listening."

Percy looked at her embarrassed, "Did you hear me basically saying I loved you."

Annabeth shook her head, "I was sad since I wondered who that someone was and I thought I could never tell you how I felt."

Annabeth put her head on her husband's lap while he was playing with her blonde hair.

Percy wanted to ask her a question, "How long did it take to for you to realize you liked me?"

Annabeth had thought he was cute when they first met but she wouldn't let him know that, "I started to realize how much I liked you when you had to leave for undercover."

Percy knew there was more and decided to pressure her by tickling her, "I know there's more Wise Girl please tell me and I'll stop."

After some fits of giggling, Annabeth folded, "Okay, Okay stop, I'll tell you," she choked out, "I also noticed when you became friends with Rachel, I was jealous as hell."

Percy laughed, "I could tell, it was hard for you to hide it." Percy told her when as well, "I guess I noticed when I went undercover as well, I basically survived by thinking solely of you."

They continued their conversation, but Annabeth had to let Percy know something.

"Percy promise you won't be mad or freak out," Annabeth asked Percy.

Percy promised immediately which made Annabeth love him even more since he did it no questions asked for her.

"Well we have to accommodate for another member of our family," Annabeth said, "Charlie's new sibling."

Percy was blank at first, but his mouth moved to a grin and kissed her. "You're not mad?"

Percy was surprised by this, "Why would I be mad? This is some of the best new I heard."

Annabeth was glad she found the man she would be paired with forever was so sweet and perfect. She knew Percy felt the same way and they let their foreheads touch,

"Together forever, I love you Wise Girl,"

"Together forever, I love you too Seaweed Brain."

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