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Annabeth POV

"Only took around four years," Thalia said

Annabeth turned a little red, "You heard everything?"

Grover looked down, "Yea we followed to your room," Grover confirmed which Annabeth just glared at him, "It's not my fault, it's Thalia's idea."

Thalia just laughed, "We didn't hear anything the day before but we saw you two cuddling during the night."

"Well dam I owe Chiron 50 bucks," Grover remembered.

Percy just realized and said, "That was you snickering?"

All three of them mentally face-palmed, "Nice to see you woke up Kelp Head," Thalia said, "Plus I'm surprised that Annie can turn on that dead lightbulb in your head."

Percy just shrugged, "Not my role to think, just shoot, hack, and slash to keep it simple."

"Not every fight is won with a sword Seaweed Brain," Annabeth advised.

Percy put his hands up defensively, "That's why I have you next to me."

"In action and in bed," Thalia coughed out slowly.

Percy and Annabeth blushed but gave them a hard glare.

"Percy you're always next to her," Grover teased, "It's like a puppy on a leash."

Annabeth laughed and agreed, "A little bit more than a puppy, he needs more attention." This made them all laugh apart from Percy who was taking a beating.

"Alright to be fair I got my freedom when I came back from that island," Percy countered, "You didn't talk to me for two weeks."

Annabeth got heated for a second, "It was cause you didn't see how much I liked you."

Percy continued to tease her, "Yea, you couldn't hold in that jealousy well."

"Im surprised you saw that with your oblivious head," She defended

Annabeth continued arguing with her boyfriend which was fun to do.

"They should get married at this point," Thalia commented

Grover rolled his eyes, "I think they are by how much arguin g they do."

"You think it's worse now or before," Thalia asked.

"Oh way worse before, I had to third wheel their flirting for god knows how long," Grover said, "Before they were even together, Annabeth stalked this female agent for hitting on Per-"

Annabeth disengaged from her argument, "Grover you weren't supposed to tell anyone," she complained.

Percy just laughed, "You know she was les right?"

"What?, why didn't you tell me?" Annabeth exclaimed

Percy shrugged, "I saw you listening and we decided to see how you react."

"That was cruel Seaweed Brain," Annabeth complained.

By now Thalia and Grover left letting the couple continue their bickering.

"At least I'm not abusive," he commented and Annabeth punched him. He rubbed his shoulder, "Proves my point but I deserved it."

Annabeth rolled her eyes, "We have to go eat Seaweed Brain."

They made their way to the dining room where everyone was. All of them greeted each other with a hug.

Annabeth cuddled with Percy on the couch and saw him smile about something. "What's on your mind Seaweed Brain?"

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