The Breifing

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AN: I don't own Pjo or any characters, all owned by Rick Riodan. Enjoy

Percy POV

3 months later

"Chiron and Luke want to see you in the office," Will said to him

Percy was already focused on anything in his room. "Thanks Will, I'll be right there."

Walking through the hallways seemed short due him being distracted by the different lights and people walking by.

What do they need? I'm already hungry or I could've talked with Annabeth. Those thoughts were interrupted as Chiron opened the door.

"Hello Agent Jackson," Chiron greeted

"Percy," Luke said with a smile and a hand out

Chiron had always been a father figure for Percy since he joined the agency and Luke had also been a nice mentor in sword-fighting.

"Morning Chiron," Percy replied, "What is this meeting about." Please be a mission, but also let me eat something. Maybe like a cheeseburger or a blue cookie from Mom.

"Percy did you hear what I just said?" Luke asked with a hint of annoyance

Percy looked at him in stupor, "Huh, can you repeat what you said, I was out of it."

Chiron sighed, "Your going on a mission with a squad of about 10 agents selected by Agent Castellan to rescue the missing agents."

Luke handed him a list of the names

Percy went through the list recognizing each person. What the hell, Dakota and Gwen? Don't they work for Jupiters Legion the PMC?

"Chiron are we working with a PMC?" He asked genuinely curious

"Yes we told you that earlier, but it will be a joint operation as they're looking for a traitor named Octavian." Luke repeated to him

"How much prep do we have?"

"Around a day or two, just be ready at 1700."

"Understood, I'm gonna grab some food," Percy said back as he walked out with his stomach grumbling.

"Seaweed Brain where were you?"

Percy flinched and jumped back and saw a pair of gray eyes staring at him with amusement. Wow I could always look into those eyes and her curly blonde hair. I always forget how beautiful she looks.

He then felt a blush creep up

"Embarrassed?" She said teasing, "I know you always weren't one for words Kelp Head."

"Whatever Wise Girl." She smiles at hearing her nickname he noticed.

"I still remember the first time you called me that," Annabeth remembered

"It was a compliment," Percy said, "And the princess curls part which was embarrassing."

Annabeth laughed, "I hated your guts at first, but I realized how much I needed you."

"Good to know how much you care," Percy said which earned a gut punched.

Annabeth got him up, "That was me showing my care to you."

"Wow very affectionate and abusive," he commented, or hot, shut up.

"Anyways I was wondering if you want to go the restaurant downtown tomorrow?" She asked shyly and Percy could've sworn he saw her blush. He decided to tease her.

"Is this a date?" He cheekily said with his signature grin, "I knew you wanted to go with me." She just flipped him off and gave him a glare although a light pink circle appeared on her cheeks.

"Whatever gets through the empty head of yours seaweed brain."

Percy sighed, "I wish I could, honestly," he said truthfully, "but I'm being sent on a mission to rescue the missing agents." She looked disappointed at first but quickly hid it with a smile

"I guess we could always go next week,"
She expressed hopefully

Percy was now excited for next week.

"You know that I would skip almost everything to spend time with you."


"Absolutely, on my mom's blue cookies."

She laughed at that comment, anyone would skip anything to get his mom's blue cookies

"Anyways I should probably get to training, you know how Hedge is," Percy said

"That's probably a good idea," she replied and both of them started to walk in their separate ways.

1700 the next day

Percy took one of the front seats so he could pay attention easier. He noticed the other agents such as Nakamura, Rodriguez, and other agents close to Luke. He also noticed two of his closest friends, Grover and Beckendorf walking in.

"Yo Percy, I didn't know they brought you here as well," his best friend said. Grover was an environmentalist and had a shaggy look.

"Ah Percy," Beckendorf greeted, "I'm surprised you aren't late with Annabeth right behind you."

Percy rolled his eyes, "How's Silena, are you gonna ask her out?" He shot back with a whisper

Beckendorf being a well built man over six feet just froze and mumbled something but was cut off by Luke asking for silence.

"Alright listen up, we narrowed their location to a house in Kansas." Luke reported and showed an image of the house. He continued speaking saying, "Percy, Grover, Beckendorf, Dakota, and Gwen will take the front entrance and the rest get the back door led by me." There was more to it but it wasn't important and plus Percy was bored already.

A few questions were asked

"How much security is there?

"How much prep time and what time?"

The questions were answered but Percy payed not attention as he knew most the info during his meeting

"Any more questions, if not you are dissmissed, gear up for CQB has we are on short notice for tomorrow."

Percy went to his quarters grabbing his bronze sword riptide and his smg the mp5. Damn, I could've told her how much he liked her more than a friend. Those thoughts dissolved after falling into a nightmare free sleep which could be opposite of tomorrow.

AN: first proper chapter, it was prob ass

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