Beg and Beg Your Still Dead

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Third Person POV

TW: Violence

Octavian was making his way through the somewhat empty streets of San Fran to meet with one of the moles. Why does it have to be in this weird dark ass alley. He thought, he bumped into a few people especially this random who had sea green eyes and a New York accent who rude to him

"This is the Augur you there?" Octavian called out. It's unlike him to be late. He checked deeper into an alley and saw his contact tied to a chair and bagged.

"You better run," the man choked out, "They're coming for you." With that Octavian saw a red laser on his chest and sprinted away.

He was panting hard with his heart beating faster than a drum, he looked behind himself a couple times, swearing he could see the same sea-greened pedestrian behind him

Percy was already following him and was about to cut him off. What a dumbass, I made eye contact with him and didn't recognize me. He saved those thoughts for later when he heard the Augur run towards him.

"I need help!" The blond yelled, "UMMPH" he was cut off by Percy tackling him.

"Hello there Octavian," Percy said to him and knocked him out.

Percy POV

Percy was waiting for Octavian to wake up with Nico and the two had small talk

"Has Hazel kept you updated on what's happening?"

"Yea she told me that Annabeth is confused and as well as Thalia," Nico informed him

Percy shrugged, "As long as it keeps Annabeth distracted from her sadness," he said truthfully.

To Percy's surprise he saw Nico smile, "You have a crush on her don't you?" The emo teased, "When are you going to ask her out?"

"When you ask out Will deathbreath."

Percy saw Nico's smile disappear and he didn't say anything and Percy thought he had hit a sore-spot, "Sorry Nico I didn't realize it was a sensitive thing."

"Nah, it's fine," Nico said, "Will has been one of the bright spots in my life, I just don't think he'll like me after what I've become."

"Become what?" Percy asked

"A dark emotionless killer," he said truthfully

Percy took a deep breath, "That makes two of us," he confessed, "After being betrayed, I think killing those responsible was best for me."

"You're thinking that Annabeth also won't like you after seeing how you act now," Nico said seeing right through him.

"Yea you could say that, she has always been my anchor and I'm feel I've cut that connection letting me go into a frenzy."

The two just stood silently

"I've always wanted to thank you," Nico said out of the blue

Percy was surprised by this statement, "For what, I don't remember doing anything."

"For helping Bianca and I adjust," Nico said explained, "You got us accustomed and respected by the others."

"Do I really do all that?" Percy said curiously, "I never knew I made that impact."

"You really make that impact Percy," Deathbreath said truthfully, "Hazel told me the somber mood at the agency since you 'died."

The two were interrupted by Octavian waking up, "Let me out of these restraints, do you know how I am," He demanded and yelled.

Percy opened the storage door and said, "We know who you are."

Octavian looked at the two of them and there was a face of fear and confusion. "How?" He said aloud, "You were suppose to burn at that house."

"I'm too stubborn to die."

Nico pulled out his karambit, "We need some information, this could be done easily."

The scrawny informant squirmed away, "I wo-won't te-tell you a-anything," he squeaked out.

"Just tell me the information and I'll just leave you to the agency with no harm and alive." Percy said in a friendly tone

Octavian just spat at him, Nico sliced his arm and leg. The Augur screamed in pain, "Keep on doing this and you'll never get your info."

Nico rolled his eyes and remarked, "Those are minor wounds, better than what you did to my sister."

Nico proceeded to continue making shallow cuts over the prisoners body. Percy just listened to the screams. After some more cuts Percy interrupted

"Alright Nico enough," he said to Nico, "He needs a break to speak."

"So Octavian any info to give?"

"None at all," the augur said defiantly

Nico shot his leg, "Watch he'll talk now," he whispered.

Octavian groaned in pain, "Okay, Okay I'll talk, just please stop," he pleaded. The two nodded at each other and Octavian gave them everything he knew.

Percy told Nico to leave and grabbed a pistol aiming it at Octavian head.

"Wait, Wait you said you'll hand me off to Olympus," Octavian pleaded and stalled, "You said yourself that I'll be alive."

"Words are deceiving considering how much you use them," Percy remarked, "You're foolish to see I made my mind up the moment you woke up."

"We can make a deal," the informant begged, "Just spare my life."

Percy ignored the words, no loose ends and this is a mercy kill he thought. Percy instead squeezed the trigger and all he felt was the recoil. He left another trident card with the words "He deserved it, all of them do."

"Percy we have to leave," Nico said hurriedly, "Olympus is arriving."

"Nah you leave I'll stay and see how they'll react to this."

Nico just shrugged and left into the night. Percy moved to the top of another storage unit and saw the lights from the vehicles arrive. He saw the blond that made his heart flutter and the other that made him angry.

"Check the perimeter to see if the assailants are still here," Annabeth said.

Percy just stared at her, her messy bun and quickly put on apparel made her beautiful. He never understood why Annabeth didn't she was pretty, sure there other people, but Percy thought she was prettiest.

He didn't realize she saw him and they just stared at each other

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