The Red Graveyard

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Annabeth's POV

Annabeth's and Thalia's squads took two separate vehicles. Around twenty agents fully armed. Annabeth took this mission to try and get away from the Percy problem

"Alright we're here, stick to the plan," Thalia said, "Weapons free, but do not kill Atlas, good luck."

Annabeth's squad moved toward the entrance of the factory and entered.

"What the hell?" Someone asked, "Who did all this?"

Annabeth was shocked, but she put herself on high alert after seeing the bodies. "Thalia there's around forty bodies in the factory, all deceased."

"Yea we see that as well, stay alert the people who caused this may still be here," Thalia warned

Annabeth made her way to the second floor seeing more soldiers lying dead.

"Ma'am," Agent Stoll said to her, "These soldiers were sniped with great marksmanship."

"Just clear the factory and meet up outside the room." Annabeth was genuinely scared about seeing all the bodies, but she couldn't show it as it was a sign of weakness.

The squad moved to the room and entered and all they saw were twenty bodies with sword wounds.

"How in the world did this happen?" Travis asked

"This might be some horror movie type stuff," His brother Connor added

Annabeth saw a soldier who was barely alive and decided to get some answers out of him. "Who did this?" "Do you know?"

"It was a soldier with a bronze sword and covered face," the soldier choked out with blood, "He was like a demon, the lights turned off and slashed through everyone."

Annabeth saw the fear in the soldiers eyes disappear once he died. This made her more concerned as it was only one or two people who did this

"Thalia, we have some information," she said, "It was a masked soldier with a bronze sword."

"Oh, one person did all this." Thalia said bewildered, "Find Atlas if he's still alive."

Annabeth's squad made their way toward the offfice where they saw an unconscious Atlas. Her squad cleared the room and Annabeth saw a peculiar image with a trident and words, "Olympus has Fallen" He must know our mole problem and maybe even more, She thought and pocketed the note.

Annabeth ordered her squad to get Atlas to the vehicles and leave immediately.

"Multiple vans incoming, get ready for a fight," Thalia yelled

The squads took cover near their vehicles and took pop shots at the incoming soldiers.

"They got Lee!" she heard someone said, but that person was killed by a bullet to the skull.

"Were pinned down we have to find a way to leave," Thalia said desperately.

Annabeth had an idea, "Most the squad stays behind while some of the others take Atlas back to HQ."

Thalia nodded and got five agents to take Atlas back. They drove off which lead 11 agents against around 30 soldiers.

Annabeth was distracted by shooting at the soldiers that she didn't notice one lining up to shoot her. She stood there frozen, but was saved when someone sniped him.

"We're being flanked!" Annabeth heard the other soldiers yelling and saw the masked soldiers cutting down everyone and one of them had a bronze sword. That must the be them. "Take care of the rest and try to corner those two."

"Alright we did our job Aquaman," one of the masked soldiers said to the other

They left and Annabeth caught up to one of them and disarmed the him with her dagger. The two wrestled each other.

"I see you still haven't lost a step with Castellan's dagger," the soldier said to her which shocked Annabeth, how do you even know that?

She saw him charging and was about to judo flip him, but he slid under like he knew and swept her leg.

"I know most of your moves considering you do it to everyone," the soldier said smugly while the sword was at her neck.

Annabeth just glared at him, "If you weren't so egotistical I wouldn't have snuck up on you."

"Same smart person we know," he said, "Deathbreath did she see your face?"

"Yea it doesn't matter though, she'll figure it out soon enough," Annabeth saw the eyes of Nico Diangelo.

The two soldiers or agents nodded at each other, "Frank you can leave your post our agent wants to leave," Nico said

"How the hell are you still alive and who do you work for now?" Annabeth asked with some bitterness

Nico just told her, "Be careful who you trust." Which confused her.

The other soldier laughed, "She's confused and she hates it."

"How do you know?"

"She glares at you and pouts," he said, "Well anyway sorry about this Annie." The world turned black.

Annabeth woke up in the vehicle with Thalia

"Ahh, I see you woke up from your little nap.," She teased

"Shut up Thals," Annabeth said, "Anways can we talk privately in my room with Hazel?"

Thalia looked a little surprised, but agreed anyway.

They all arrived back to HQ and the two wrote their reports in Annabeth's room when Hazel walked in.

"So you wanted to talk, talk," Thalia said impatiently

"Well one of the soldiers is Nico and there is another named Frank." Annabeth said while watching the others reactions

"What, how is he still alive?" Thalia was shocked and surprised.

Hazel didn't have a reaction, but that changed when she heard Frank's name.

"Hazel you know something don't you." Annabeth said with certainly.

The psychologist put her head down and confessed, "They've made a secret group finding and eliminating the moles."

"Is there more?" Thalia asked.

"Yes there is, but I have to keep quiet you have to ask Jason though." Hazel said and left to got back to her duty.

"This is going crazy isn't it," Thalia commented, "We have presumed dead agents killing agents accused of moles."

"Yea this situation keeps on getting weirder and weirder." Annabeth agreed

Thalia left the room which allowed her to do something she could do best, think.

"I wish you would sit here next to me." She said at the picture of Percy

The picture of Percy didn't move

She instead went to sleep however there was one more call she had to answer. A murder of a blonde informant.

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