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Christmas Eve

Lester's POV

"You fucking stink bruh!" I laughed covering my nose with my shirt.

I was looking for Lee because she had been missing for the past twenty minutes but as I walked towards her room I smelled exactly where she was. Damn, something must've crawled out her ass and died.

"Stopp!" She whined from the other side of the door.

I leaned into the door laughing at how frustrated she got. I don't know why she was acting like that because I've smelled her shits before, the only problem was this one was worse. There's no reason I should smell you shitting as I walk past a closed door.

She finally emerged and I smiled seeing my baby in her cute red plaid onesie. Her belly was hanging low as it protruded out from the material, Lee looked like she was rey pop at any moment. But she looked perfect with her hair pulled back into a ponytail, she knew what she was doing.

"Hey, shitty." I smacked her ass when she walked past me going into her bedroom.

"I will kill you." She turned and glared at me before I helped her into bed.

We had been watching Christmas movies all day. I had to be leaving later to spend the evening with my child but me and Lee decided to spend the day together. We do this any other day for real, she just wanted to use the holiday as an excuse to be up under me.

Resuming Home Alone, we got comfortable with Lee propped up on her body pillow and me holding her as I laid on them soft ass pillows she called tits. Her shit was so juicy now. Lee always had nice boobs but this pregnancy had me physically fighting the urge to suck on them every time she came around.

She laughed at the movie and I grinned nuzzling closer to her chest. My edible was definitely kicking in because I had the urge to give her a full body massage.

"Why did they catch our maintenance guy stealing time at work?" Lee laughed.

"The real question is why are you still working? Thought I told you take the maternity leave."

She inhaled and exhaled deeply making me rise and come back down slowly making me stifle a laugh.

"I went PRN, I don't want the maternity leave until I give birth. You know they're only giving me 8 weeks."

"Which is why you should just quit." I spoke nonchalantly.

"Right." She mocked my tone sarcastically. "And then I should just stop paying my bills and let me and my kids live on the streets in a box. It could be fun."

"Nah you know daddy won't let you be on the streets." I rubbed on her stomach feeling LJ run his foot across where I placed my hand.

"Ughh, stop!" She squirmed pushing my hand away. "Is this how it's gone be once they get here? You getting them riled up just to get a reaction out of me?"

"Yep get used to it." I grinned looking at her pretty face.

She rolled her eyes focusing back on the movie but I couldn't do it. My dick been dry for way too long and my baby mama was too close to me. And if she kept brushing her foot against my leg like that I was gone wind up hitting that.

If Only You Knew Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora