
20 1 57


Lee's POV

Dozing off on the couch, I was about to let the sleep take over me until I heard a knock at the door. Immediately I tensed up because that could only be so many people at my door. Wiping my tired eyes I took a second to stand and go open the door. When I did regret washed over me in waves as I saw D standing there tapping her foot.

"Hi." I spoke awkwardly not knowing what else to say.

"You gone let me in?"

I stepped to the side and let her walk in and take a seat at my dining room table. "Where you been, girly?" I asked taking a seat.

"Cut the shit, you know why I'm here."

My shoulders slumped watching her sit her Gucci bag on the table making a sound as it came in contact with my glass table.

"Why you kiss Landin?"

I instantly got nervous as I toyed with my nails. "I honestly don't know, D. It was nothing like that though, I swear. We were talking about Twin and the boys and next thing I know I did that dumb shit."

"But you gotta trust me when I say it was a mistake. I don't want Landin or anything and I made a stupid mistake."

I looked at her after my rant and she stared back with no particular emotion on her face. After a few seconds, she busted out laughing, confusing me to no end.

"Oh, girl." She sighed.

"Come here." She stood with her arms open so she could get a hug.

She's gone kill me. I just knew it. She came in here looking upset just for her to start laughing. D was a crazy bitch so I knew she had something up her sleeve and I assumed it was the knife she would use to stab me in my back once I hugged her.

I reluctantly stood and hugged her. I braced for whatever she was about to throw at me, accepting my fate because I knew I was wrong. But to my surprise, all she did was hug me tight so I finally hugged back. D squeezed me and rubbed my back before separating from me and taking her seat back.

"Sit down." She demanded.

I took a seat. "You're not mad?"

"I was." She sighed. "But then I realized what happened. You didn't kiss Landin because you wanted to. You kissed him because you miss Twin."

"What?" I scoffed. "No."

"Yes, you do."

"No, I don't!"

"Ok so then why'd you do it? Because that's the only explanation I can come up with."

"I don't know, D! It was a heat of the moment thing but I'm sorry. I hope you and Landin know I feel awful about what I did."

"And you should. You can go putting your lips on my baby daddy. I mean I get it the man is fine but that don't mean you gotta stick your tongue down his throat."

"D!" I noticed she was messing with me but I wanted her to stop.

She laughed. "Ok, I quit. But seriously you didn't kiss him for no reason. I don't care what you say. I get it, Lee, your hormones are just acting up."

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