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Lee's POV

"Just come to my house, my mom and dad not home."

I slowly shook my head as I shielded my face from the sun. It was the beginning of April and the sun was beating down on me.

"I can't, that will only make it worse."


"She's gone want me home, Aniyah."

She rolled her eyes. "Fine, I'll see you tomorrow then, I guess."

I pouted and grabbed her fat cheek. "I'll be ok, see you tomorrow."

"See you."

She turned and walked into her huge home. Aniyah had the biggest house on the block. Our bus stop was a little bit of a walk from my house so I had about ten minutes to contemplate running away.

It was Thursday. And I'd gotten my third referral of the month and the second call home of the week. The school informed my mother that I was "abusing" the new kid. But that couldn't be farther from the truth.

We were in science class learning about organisms when I felt something come in contact with my face. Confused, I looked down by my foot and saw a tiny balled-up piece of paper. When I lifted my head back up there he was, Frank.

Frank was the new kid who recently moved to my school from another one not even two months ago. And since he's come he's caused problems. He was tall for a 7th grader, at least 5'10. His towering figure was intimidating to me but I just stayed out of his way for the most part. But that proved to be pretty difficult in our 4th-period science class.

This was one of two classes we had together, the other being writing in second period. Frank never gave me problems in writing class. Maybe it was because it was still early in the day being second. But our science class was the period right after lunch when all the kids got their recharge.

After being tired in class all morning while you're still half asleep, lunch was the time to talk to friends and just relax as kids. There would be a fight almost every day so that always got the whole cafeteria riled up.

There were three fights that day. The whole school was already talking about it. One girl got her nose ring ripped out of her nose, it was bad. But of course, that situation had all us kids gossiping and hyped up by the time we had to go back to class.

Once in class, the lights were turned down as we watched a video about organisms in the Amazon River. We had to answer questions on a sheet of paper that went along with the video so the teacher knew we were paying attention.

Frank was across the walkway at his desk, leaned over whispering to me. "Let me see yo paper."

"No!" I whispered back.

"Yes! Or ima beat the fuck outta you."

That was Frank's thing. He threatened people to get his way at any chance he had. Maybe because he was so much bigger than everyone else, hell, he was taller than most of the teachers.

I simply returned my attention to the screen. But that was pointless because he threw another piece of paper, and another. Maybe five pieces were thrown by the time I got frustrated. "Stop!"

"Bitch you stop! Give me yo paper." He whispered yelled.

I knew he was aggravated because this paper was due in fifteen minutes at the end of class and he and his homeboys had been goofing off the entirety of the video. But that was on them. I wasn't a fan of science at all so when I noticed that I was actually interested in this video I tried to pay attention and do my work instead of goofing off with my friends like I normally do.

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