Come Back

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Lee's POV

I exhaled a heavy sigh of relief as me and Lester walked off the elevator. For a second, I was mortified thinking I was about to give birth. We were setting up the second baby's name above his crib and laughing about how we were keeping it a secret even though everybody was dying to know. But we wanted to keep his name sacred for now. It would be announced once he was born.

I was laughing so hard that I eventually caught a small cramp at first. That small cramp turned into full-blown contractions. Me and Lester panicked and he quickly rushed me to the hospital. I wasn't due for another two months almost so I prayed something else was going on. Thankfully, it was just Braxton hicks.

"That was a close one, huh?" I looked to Lester as we walked towards the entrance.

"I ain't realize how much we not ready until just now." He snickered shaking his head. "The whole way here I was just thinking bout how we forgot the hospital bag."

"We're so underprepared." I shook my head looking down at my outfit.

"Got me out here with my stomach all out and shit, so ghetto." I sighed.

Amid the panic I had to toss on a shirt because all I had on was a sports bra. I grabbed the first top I saw, which was a plain black long-sleeve, which would've been ok if I could fit it. I didn't care at that moment, but now that I was here in public with a pair of thin-ass leggings and a shirt that didn't even cover my belly button, I was feeling embarrassed.

"You all belly, bruh." Lester laughed as he wrapped his arm around my waist placing his big hand on my stomach.

Bracing for what was coming, I rolled my eyes because I knew my boys was about to get active. Lester knew they got excited when he touched me or talked to my stomach. Just as I thought, I began to feel movement and aching pain in my ribs. I hissed at the feeling and pushed Lester away from me.

"You did that shit on purpose."

I guess I pushed him too hard because he stumbled back. His grin left his face when he came in contact with someone. He turned and I got a better view before all the air felt like it was pulled from the room. There she was.


My mother. Serena Garner, a beautiful woman with one of the ugliest souls I've ever come in contact with. She gave Lester an annoyed look before bending down to pick up her purse that fell from the impact. Once she stood again he realized who she was and froze.

"It's rude to stare at people, ain't nobody ever taught you that?" She cocked her head to the side eyeing him.

He looked back at me trying to see if I knew what was going on. When he did it made her look at me and she pushed him out the way as she gasped finally noticing me.

"Tinky is that you?" She smiled and I swear I saw a tear in her eye as she looked me over.

I was at a loss for words. How long has she been in town? Why was she at the hospital? Why is she talking to me?

She held my shoulders before looking me over again and laughing at my belly. "Ha! My baby is having a baby! Oh my god, how far along are you? You look like you rey pop."

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