Baby Blue

20 1 48

Aniyah's POV

Listening to Nicki Minaj's Stupid Hoe was a good fit for today's mood. I slowly pulled into the cobblestone driveway behind my mom's G wagon and shut the car off hopping out. I took a deep breath as I walked to the door wondering why my mom invited me over.

She and my father were not happy with me right now and I couldn't care less. I've done nothing wrong for my dad to not be speaking to me or for my mom to call me "delusional" when I bring up my relationship.

I rang the doorbell and gave it a second because I knew my parents' home was too big to be opening the door in a timely fashion. After a couple minutes, the door was opened to reveal my mom, Shayla.

Shayla was an average height with a slim build. She called me her mini-me but the only thing we had in common was skin tone. I looked just like my dad unfortunately and I had gotten my curves from his side of the family. I did act like a smaller version of my mom sometimes though, but barely.

"Hello, princess! How have you been?" She squealed hugging me tight.

I returned her firm embrace before we pulled away. "I'm fine, mom. Where's dad?"

"He's in his study but I wouldn't even bother going in there." She waved me off.

"He's busy?"

"That, and you know he's still disappointed in you."

I groaned getting annoyed. "That's not my problem, ma."

She gasped clutching her necklace. "Aniyah Lenae! That is still your father and you need to respect him!"

"He needs to respect me, I'm his daughter! And I haven't done anything wrong. What he's mad because I got exposed? How is that my fault?!"

"Sit." She whispered taking a seat in the white room.

I knew she was stressed because she never just sat in the white room to talk. Not with all this expensive furniture and glass in the room. It was literally all for show. The housekeeper didn't even touch this room because no one was ever in there so there was absolutely nothing to clean.

I cautiously sat on the plush couch cushion as she sat on the arm of the loveseat. She was massaging her temples and trying to regulate her breathing and I'm assuming get her thoughts together.

"Aniyah you know we just want the best for you."

"And what exactly is that? Aj?"

"He was a good candidate but you just had to fuck that up for that scammer. What is so special about this boy that you threw away your entire future for him?" She looked confused as her sad eyes creased looking at me.

"What future? Nothing has changed in my life since being with Isaiah besides you and my dad. I still make money, I pay my bills, and I live my life the same way."

"But it's not the same life princess and that's what we're trying to get you to understand. With Aj, you had a good man who we all knew could take care of you. He was on his way to big things until you broke his heart. I was trying to set you up for life! You would never have to lift a finger again had you taken him more seriously."

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