Famous last words. ⏯ H.S.

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The evening sun painted the sky in hues of orange and pink as the five members of One Direction strolled down the bustling street, their laughter mingling with the chatter of passersby. Harry's eyes gleamed with excitement as they approached their destination—a renowned Mexican restaurant known for its fiery dishes.

"Alright, lads, I'm craving some heat tonight!" Harry declared, flashing a mischievous grin at his bandmates.

Liam chuckled, shaking his head. "You and your spicy cravings, Harry. Don't forget about your acid reflux."

Harry waved off Liam's concern with a dismissive flick of his hand. "Oh, come on, Liam! Live a little! Besides, I've got this under control."

Niall raised an eyebrow skeptically. "Famous last words, mate."

Ignoring the warning glances exchanged between his friends, Harry sauntered into the restaurant, eager to indulge his taste buds. The aroma of sizzling fajitas and tangy salsa filled the air, heightening Harry's anticipation.

"Bring on the heat!" he exclaimed, scanning the menu with enthusiasm.

As the waiter approached to take their orders, Harry wasted no time in requesting the spiciest dishes on offer—a blazing hot chili con carne, fiery jalapeno poppers, and a tongue-tingling habanero salsa.

The boys exchanged resigned glances, knowing there was no changing Harry's mind once he had set it on something.

"Here we go," Louis muttered under his breath, shaking his head.

True to his word, Harry dug into his meal with gusto, relishing the fiery flavors dancing on his tongue. The rest of the boys enjoyed their milder fare, occasionally shooting concerned glances in Harry's direction.

As the night wore on, Harry's enthusiasm remained unabated, but his stomach began to protest against the onslaught of spice. Ignoring the warning signs, he soldiered on, determined to conquer every fiery morsel.

It wasn't until they had left the restaurant and were on their way back to their hotel that Harry's bravado began to wane. A sharp pain gnawed at his stomach, accompanied by a burning sensation that seemed to sear his insides.

"Alright there, Haz?" Liam asked, noticing the pained expression etched on Harry's face.

Harry winced, clutching his abdomen. "I think... I may have overdone it with the spicy food," he admitted sheepishly.

Louis rolled his eyes, though his concern was evident. "Told you so, mate."

By the time they reached their hotel, Harry was in agony. He collapsed onto the nearest sofa, his face pale and sweat beading on his forehead.

"Maybe we should call a doctor," Niall suggested, his voice laced with worry.

Harry shook his head weakly. "No, I'll be fine. Just need to ride it out."

The boys exchanged a glance before springing into action, fetching water and antacids to ease Harry's discomfort. They hovered around him, offering words of comfort and reassurance as he rode out the worst of his acid reflux-induced agony.

Hours passed, and eventually, Harry's pain began to subside, replaced by a profound sense of gratitude for his friends' unwavering support.

"Thanks, guys," he murmured, his voice hoarse but sincere.

"Anytime, Haz," Liam replied, clapping a hand on Harry's shoulder. "But maybe next time, listen to us when we tell you to lay off the spicy food."

Harry managed a weak smile. "Lesson learned, I promise."

And as they settled in for the night, the bond between the boys of One Direction only grew stronger, forged through fiery trials and unwavering camaraderie.

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