Hang in there, mate. ⏯ H.S.

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Harry groaned as the car rounded another bend in the road, his face pale and beads of sweat forming on his forehead. "Guys, can we pull over for a bit? I'm feeling really queasy."

Niall, who was driving, glanced at Harry in the rearview mirror with concern. "Sure, mate. We can take a break."

"Thank you," Harry mumbled weakly, slumping back against the seat.

Liam turned around from the passenger seat, worry etched on his face. "You okay, Harry?"

Harry shook his head, grimacing. "Not really. I've never been great with car rides, but this is something else."

Zayn twisted around from his seat, offering a sympathetic smile. "Motion sickness can be brutal. Do you need anything?"

"Just some fresh air," Harry replied, rolling down the window despite the chilly breeze outside.

Louis, sitting beside Harry, rubbed his back soothingly. "Hang in there, mate. We'll find a place to stop soon."

After a few minutes, Niall pulled into a rest area. Harry practically stumbled out of the car, breathing in the cool air deeply. The others followed suit, stretching their legs and taking in the scenery.

"Feeling any better?" Liam asked, placing a hand on Harry's shoulder.

"A little," Harry admitted, still looking a bit green around the edges. "Thanks for stopping, Niall."

Niall shrugged. "No problem, Haz."

Louis glanced around the rest area and spotted a small cafe nearby. "How about we grab some snacks? Maybe something light will settle your stomach, Harry."

Harry nodded gratefully, feeling touched by his friends' concern. "That sounds good."

The five of them made their way to the cafe, chatting and laughing as they picked out snacks and drinks. Harry opted for some ginger tea, hoping it would help calm his stomach.

As they settled down at a table, Louis passed Harry a cup of tea with a smile. "Here you go, Haz. Hopefully, this will help."

"Thanks, Lou," Harry said, taking a sip and feeling the warmth spread through him comfortingly.

Niall nudged Harry gently. "Feeling up for the road again?"

Harry nodded, feeling significantly better after the short break and the tea. "Yeah, let's do it. Thanks, everyone, for being so understanding."

Liam grinned. "No worries, mate. We're a team, remember?"

With renewed spirits, they piled back into the car, Harry feeling more prepared to tackle the rest of the journey. As they hit the road again, Harry leaned back in his seat, grateful for his friends' support and the camaraderie that always seemed to lift his spirits, even in the face of motion sickness.

The car continued to hum along the highway, the rhythm of the road lulling the boys into a comfortable silence. Harry's stomach had settled somewhat after the pit stop, but as the miles passed, a familiar queasiness returned, gnawing at his insides.

He clenched his jaw, trying to push through the discomfort, not wanting to ruin the mood of the trip. But as the nausea intensified, he knew he couldn't hold it back any longer.

"Uh, guys," Harry croaked, his voice strained with effort. "I think... I think I'm gonna be sick."

Niall glanced at him in alarm through the rearview mirror. "What?! Shit, hang on, mate. We'll find a spot to pull over."

But it was too late. With a sudden lurch, Harry doubled over, retching violently. Louis recoiled in shock as the smell of vomit filled the air.

"Oh, god," Harry groaned, his face flushed with embarrassment. "I'm so sorry, guys."

"It's okay, Harry," Liam said quickly, his voice soothing. "Just focus on breathing."

Niall pulled the car over to the side of the road, and Zayn hurried to open the door, offering Harry a bottle of water.

"Here, mate," Zayn said gently. "Take it slow."

Harry took a few shaky sips, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. He felt utterly mortified, his cheeks burning with shame.

"I ruined the whole trip," Harry muttered, his voice thick with self-loathing.

Louis shook his head, his expression soft with sympathy. "No, you didn't, Harry. These things happen. We're just glad you're okay."

Niall passed Harry a pack of wet wipes, and Harry gratefully cleaned himself up as best he could, trying to ignore the lingering taste of bile in his mouth.

"Thanks, guys," Harry said quietly, his throat raw from vomiting. "I really appreciate it."

"We're here for you, Harry," Liam said firmly, his eyes filled with warmth. "Always."

With a collective sigh, they settled back into the car, the atmosphere slightly more subdued but no less supportive. As they resumed their journey, Harry felt a sense of gratitude wash over him, knowing that he was surrounded by friends who would stand by him no matter what. And with that thought in mind, he leaned back in his seat, feeling a renewed sense of strength and camaraderie that would carry him through whatever challenges lay ahead.

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