The thoughts won't stop. ⏯ H.S.

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Harry sat on the edge of his bed, his mind racing with intrusive thoughts that seemed to pounce on him without warning. He couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gripped him tightly, the compulsion to check and recheck things gnawing at his mind relentlessly. His hands fidgeted with the hem of his shirt as he tried to steady his breathing.

Liam walked into the room, noticing the tense set of Harry's shoulders immediately. "Hey, mate, everything alright?"

Harry forced a smile, though it didn't quite reach his eyes. "Yeah, just... you know, thinking about stuff."

Liam frowned, recognizing the telltale signs of Harry's struggle with OCD. "You sure? You seem a bit off."

Harry hesitated, not wanting to burden his friend with his own battles. But Liam had always been there for him, offering support without judgment. "It's just... the thoughts won't stop. It's like they're consuming me."

Liam sat down beside him, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "You don't have to go through this alone, Harry. We're here for you, all of us."

Harry nodded, grateful for Liam's understanding. But he still couldn't shake the overwhelming urge to perform his rituals, the fear of something terrible happening if he didn't comply. It was exhausting, mentally and physically draining.

As if sensing his distress, Louis, Niall and Zayn entered the room, concern etched on their faces. "What's going on?" Louis asked, his brows furrowing with worry.

Liam filled them in on Harry's struggles with OCD, his voice laced with empathy. "He's having a rough time right now. I think he could use some support."

The others exchanged a knowing glance before sitting down on the bed, surrounding Harry with their presence. "We're not going anywhere, mate," Niall said softly, offering a reassuring smile.

With their encouragement, Harry felt a glimmer of hope flicker within him. Maybe he didn't have to fight this battle alone. Maybe, just maybe, with the support of his friends, he could find some semblance of peace amidst the chaos of his mind.

And so, they stayed by his side, offering comfort and understanding whenever he needed it. They helped him through the rough patches, reminding him that he was loved and valued, OCD and all.

In those moments, surrounded by the warmth of friendship, Harry knew that he wasn't defined by his struggles. He was so much more than his OCD, and with the unwavering support of his friends, he believed that he could conquer anything that came his way.

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