Chapter 33

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People moved around us in a blur as Geo stopped before me. His eyes ate me up and I suddenly felt naked. The butterflies in my stomach chose that moment to flutter vigorously and I placed a hand on my stomach as if to calm them. This disease for Geo was getting worse by the day. 

One side of his lips tilted up revealing his diamond-crusted grill. I lifted an eyebrow as a slow smile touched my lips as well. I couldn't help it. Having his undivided attention was thrilling enough, but in a room full of people it was intoxicating. It felt like he was letting the world know that he only came there for me. 

"You made it," I said.

"You look beautiful." I felt his voice between my legs. I sighed as one of my knees got weak.

"Thank you," I replied, my voice little more than a puff of air. Gathering all the strength I had in my spine I broke eye contact. Turning to see an amused and intrigued Joey, still at my side. Ignoring the question in his eyes, I laid a hand on Joey's arm and made introductions. 

Geo visibly relaxed when he realized Joey was the groom and my brother. Still, that didn't stop him from gently removing my hand from Joey's arm and smoothly maneuvering me to his side. Joey did not miss the move either. 

"Congratulations," Geo said handing Joey a thick sealed envelope.

Joey took it, a look of respect crossing his face for just a second before his face hardened. "Thanks. it's nice to finally meet you in person. I'm going to take a chance here and just guess that I don't have to warn you about what will happen if you hurt my sister."

"Joey!" I called out to him but I may as well have been invisible. Joey didn't even look my way. Neither did Geo. So I stood there fidgeting as they did their man thing. It was annoying but really nothing new. 

"I never would," Geo said. 

"Keep it that way," Joey said before smiling at me, "I'll catch up with you later A."

Tight-lipped I turned to Geo and was about to apologize when he shut that down. "Don't be mad at them. Their protective. I can't be mad at that."

I appreciated that because he had no idea how protective they were of me and how I was about them. Getting along with my brothers was a must for any man I got involved with. There was a moment of silence as I wondered if we were going to stand in the middle of the dance floor and talk or if we were going to dance. 

As if he read my mind he folded me into him. Very close, my forehead was right below his chin. We fell into a lazy two-step as he dipped his lips to my ear. 

"I will never miss an opportunity to dance with you, Anna."

"I didn't know you danced," I whispered as his fingers danced across my spine. 

He leaned up a skeptical look in his eyes. "You do know who my father is right? He would be ashamed if I couldn't at least do a sweetheart two-step."

He spun me in perfect one-eighty before pulling me backward into his chest. My heart lept into my throat as he ground against me. His hardness pressed tight against my ass. I groaned as he reversed the one-eighty, bringing my chest against his. 

"I missed you today," Geo said, one hand snaking up my body to briefly clasp my throat, before gripping my chin and forcing me to look at him. 

No way should that brief grip have turned me on so much, but I was now soaking wet. Breathless I told him, "I just saw you last night." 

"And I woke up alone." 

"You never asked me to stay." 

"I didn't like it," Geo said, his thumb grazing my bottom lip. "Would you have stayed with me? Please tell me all I have to do is ask."

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