Chapter 11

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"He one of yours?" Geo asked over his shoulder.

"T," I hissed, "you fucking perve."

"Yet you two are the ones engaged in public, intense PDA. I was an innocent bystander." T protested but smiled ear to ear. To Geo, he said, "I'm Terrance, and I would shake your hand, but I know where it's been."

"Geo," Geo replied tightly. "How much did you see?"

"Just the end, I'm afraid," Terrance replied. "I got the feeling this thing between you two is more than a hallway escapade. That's nice to know."

I fixed my dress as Geo laughed and said, "Is it?"

"Yes," T replied quickly. "Are you coming to the wedding?"

My stomach dropped as Geo replied, "What wedding?"

"The one Anna doesn't have a date for."

I stepped around Geo and gave T the death glare, but as usual, he only laughed. "Shut the fuck up, T. I can find my own date and we have business to take care of?"

"We have been waiting for you." T emphasized the waiting, "I understand why you took so long now though. I'm sure no one will hold it against you."

"That dating shit is dead Anna," Geo said, turning to me, his back to T. "Is it for your brother's wedding?"

I nodded, unwilling to continue the conversation. "You already know the answer to that Geo and last time I checked I was a grown-ass woman and I handle my own shit. I'll date and fuck who I want."

Geo never even flinched. He tilted his head and grinned. "We received our invitation months ago. I think anyone who is anyone already did. I was going to attend, anyway. Now I'll be your date."

"You doing too much," I said weakly. I wanted to say more, but nothing else came to mind.

"Show up with a date and I'll show you doing too much."

"You are really not earning any cool points trying to boss me," I spat.

"Have dinner with me tomorrow?" Geo asked as if we were all good and happy. He apparently had selective hearing.


"The day after?"

"Get lost Geo, it's not going to happen." I wanted to walk away but my feet remained rooted to this space. I was enjoying the game. Was it a crime to like to be chased? I gave not one fuck. I wanted to see how far he was willing to go to get what he wanted. It was thrilling and just what I needed at this time in my life. As sure as I was that this thing with Geo would never go anywhere, I was sure it would be fun.

 He leaned in, his lips claiming mine for just a moment. It was short, and I missed his lips when he pulled away. "See you soon Anna."

It felt like a promise. He nodded to T, who I had forgotten was still there, before walking down the quiet hall. I watched him leave, noting his confident gait and his strong stride. Remembering his lips on mine, sent a shiver down my spine. It was like a prelude to what was sure to follow—one day. I physically shook myself and turned to T. I couldn't muster the energy to feel ashamed, but I was glad it was him and not Joey or Dale because they would have flipped.

"That was interesting. Wasn't he at the jets today?" T asked as he pressed against the wall, opening the hidden door there.

"He's my godfather's son," I replied before descending the stairs.


The atmosphere in the basement was tense, and I wondered if the guys knew what I had been doing. I caught Leo shooting daggers and Dale and figured they had clashed about something. Those two usually did, so it wouldn't surprise me at all.

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