Chapter 16

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I pulled up to the Best Steak House and immediately knew something was off. It wasn't just the fact that no one stood at the door, neither was it the absence of Big D's signature ride. The hairs on the back of my neck and my palms heated up. Instinctively my hand went to my thigh. Feeling my Glock securely in its place didn't make me feel any better. 

So I sat behind my tint looking for the reason for my anxiety. I checked my phone to see no message from D. I was five seconds from panic mode when I saw a couple exit the restaurant. They laughed hand in hand. The woman tripped and the man caught her. They shared an intimate moment that for just a second made me envious. Right before it pissed me off, the envy that is, it left a bitter taste in my mouth. 

At the same time, there was a tap on my window alerting me that my shadows were wondering what was wrong. Exiting the vehicle I convinced myself that maybe D just hadn't made it yet. I stepped passed the now-making-out couple to step into the restaurant. Only then did my nerves start to ease. Just a little. The exterior of the building with its black paint and gold lining was easy to miss unless you were looking for it. Considering it was right across the street from the Fox Theater it still did good. The interior was a picture of elegance and smelled like greens, cornbread, and steak. The service was A-one and the setting was intimate and comfortable. Most people got their food and left because it was always so crowded. 

Unless you were Big D. Because Big Dee owned a party room he used at his convenience. It was a private dining room that had about six tables in it and apparently, he paid yearly for the room to host only him and his people. I was on the list of his people. Big D believed that if you were going to buy food you should eat it fresh, and you should never eat at a place that did not have seating. The first time he had brought me here, we had stayed well past closing and no one said a thing. Slowly it became our tradition. One I looked forward to because Big D was never boring and he always had something new to teach me. 

I didn't flaunt my status as a favorite, honorary daughter often but I let it be known every time I was here. Every time I walked past the long line, it felt good. I nodded to Joy, the daughter of the owner and the hostess. She was in the middle of taking an order but stopped mid-order to let me know D was not here yet. I frowned but continued on my way aware of the glare I received. I smirked as I stepped into the secluded room, closing the door behind me. 

I took a seat at the table we usually sat at and pulled out my phone to call Big D. When he didn't answer all my spider senses started pinging. Where the fuck was he at? He was never late. The whole situation was abnormal. I absently ordered a peach iced tea as I waited for a sign of impending doom. I took a sip of the sweet tea and tried to figure out what the hell was going on.

When the door finally opened, I almost spit out the tea in my mouth. Because it wasn't my dear mentor and friend walking through the door. No, this man was just as striking and just as deadly, but way too young to be mistaken for D. Even in the dim lighting I could see the bling in his mouth as he showed off a cheesy grin. Just one side of his mouth turned up as he filled the room.

My mouth ran dry and I couldn't move if I wanted to. Despite the fact that I lied to myself on several occasions, Geo looked damned good. He had a pair of Roc Revivals, white Forces, and a fitted white V-neck that showed off his stomach and chest. Was it just yesterday that I had seen him? Was it possible that he looked more yummy today? We shared a history of unresolved tension. It was boiling down and it looked as if he would get exactly what he wanted. 

He wanted dinner, and here I was cornered with nowhere to run. I had always been able to run. I had even gotten good at it. As his men filtered into the room and took up space opposite of mine, one positioning himself right in front of the door, the possibility of running was little to none.  As he seated himself across from me in the dimly lit, upscale restaurant, the atmosphere crackled with anticipation. 

He laid his hands on the table and I was reminded of when he touched me in his kitchen. Like I was fine porcelain and precious. My boy warmed immediately and I knew I could keep lying to myself or I could own these feelings. I closed my eyes for a second willing calm to claim me. He was very clever and as much as I didn't want to believe that D had anything to do with this it was hard seeing as this was our meeting. He would be proud he had said. Was that true? I had even more questions now, like, why the fuck was he here. 

Our eyes locked, filled with a mixture of animosity and unspoken desire. He leaned back in his chair, his gaze never wavering. I followed his movements as he licked his lips as if savoring something decadent. 

"Where is Big D?" 

"Busy," he replied with that sexy smirk of his. "I thought he would have told you I was going to meet you instead."

I threw up my hands and hissed through my teeth. "I got nothing. I have been texting and calling him and nothing."

He quickly ordered a drink and his meal. I absentmindedly did the same. I already knew what I wanted and even though I wanted to get away from him as soon as possible...I could eat. Plus this might be interesting and maybe, just maybe he could give me more information. 

"He was not feeling well when I left." Geo told me smoothly, "he didn't feel up to meeting you and didn't want to keep you waiting. I apologize for being late."

"What's wrong with him?"

"As if you didn't know he was shot."

"Oh, I knew," I replied sipping my tea. "It's why I went to see him without notice. What I really want to know is who did it and what is the heir going to do about it?"

"Stick around and find out."

It was a challenge that I had no problem catching. I rolled my eyes and looked out the only window in the room. It was just getting dark outside, but still, the streets were busy. "So that means you know?" 

The food arrived and he started to cut up his steak as if it were his enemy. "There is not a lot that happens in this city that I don't know about. Much like you, I have my ways. I know way more than I ever tell or acknowledge, but when something catches my attention I tend to give it all my attention."

"Was it the French man?"

A muscle ticked in Geo's jaw as he looked up from his food. The muscles between his eyes, became a series of straight lines as his eyes met mine again. It was a fleeting look, and if I was any lesser of a woman I would have missed it. With his next breath, he seemed to relax, food forgotten and gave me his undivided attention.

"Slight change of subject," Geo said lowly. "Do you always look like this to meet my father?"

"This was an emergency attempt to make it to dinner on time. Not that Big D cared either way, since he sent you."

Geo nodded his head in understanding before eating a piece of his steak. "I heard you made quite a mess of the Jack that doped up your girl. What I don't understand is why you even did it. You yourself I mean. You could have had anyone handle that and you would have stayed pretty in pink, or was it personal?"

It was my turn to scowl. How did he know that? Did I have a rat, or had he somehow infiltrated my team? I could lie or I could tell him to mind his own damned business. 

"It was personal," I replied after eating a few bites of my food. It was hard to enjoy when I was so high strung but I'd be damned if he was the only one at this table who was cool, calm, and collected. So he knew I had knocked the shit out of the blue-collar. It was nothing to me either way. "What I don't understand is how and why you feel it is any of your business."

With the most serious face I had ever seen on Geo, he looked me right in the eye and said, "Any and everything that has something to do with you is my business."

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