lights out (part 2)

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The lights are out

"Lucas the power been out for 8 hours." Max says aggressively shouting at him while he looks at his phone.

Lucas looks up at her "Its only been like 15 minutes." he says while still looking at her.One thing he knows about max is that she is terrified of the dark and if these lights don't come back on all hell is gonna break loose.

Meanwhile max is walking around frantically like she already saw something she didn't wanna see.She been looking around her every couple of minutes swearing something is touching her or watching her.

"Ahhh,it touched me." she screamed again for the 10th time already.

"You know for someone who acts all tough and stuff you are quite scary." lucas chuckled to himself.

"Am not"

"is to"

"No im not,something is touching me and you won't believe me and im not losing my mind." she states matter of factly.


Thats all she is to him.

"by the way did you figure out whats going on?" she asks again.

"Yep,there's a power outage around the area so were not the only ones with this problem.I tried calling them but they said people have already called and their working on the issue right now even though I dont really believe it so who knows,we could be out of power for a couple of days." He says making sure to drag the last part out teasily.

what an asshole

"Well we should do something to waste time right?" he says glancing at her with a little smile.

Max didn't want to though,The heat was already getting to her and who knows the power might not come back on for a couple of days.Most importantly she is scared of the dark.But who isn't really scared of the dark,anything could chase her and she know lucas will choose to save himself rather her.

"Lucas if this power doesn't come back on im gonna kill you and bury your body in the back yard" she said calmly.

"I don't doubt it but we could play a game.I unloaded some of the boxes and found monopoly,we could play unless you scared of losing or something." he dragged off while shaking the box lightly smirking.

"You know what every time we play you always cheat." she says pointing her finger at him. "I just can't prove it but you do." she says glancing at him and the floor.

"So is that a yes?" he questions.

"Fine but you better not cheat or I will hurt you in your sleep."

"dont threating me with a good time" he says seriously while winking.

this guy


"Finally the power is back on" max screams and lucas swears she even cried a little.

Lucas is happy for this because the last couple of hours he been fighting with max for so long.If it wasnt her getting irritated or scared or just mad at the fact that she keeps losing the game,it was her just straight up attacking him and making threats that didn't exactly sound bad but still.

"Im taking a nap." he says, hurriedly running up the stairs trying to avoid her because he's had enough for one day.

"Wait lucas come back,where you going?" she says chasing after him almost slipping on the stairs.

Well here is part 2 and its finished finally!!!

This took a LONGGGG time but yeah its done,I hope you guys like it.I tried to be a little comedic and funny in my stories more cse sometimes it gets a little too serious and even im like this is boringggg so I tried something different.

Also I would like to spread some BULLYING AWARENESS.If you didn't know an 8th grade girl took her own life bc a group of people(mainly girls) were bullying her and a boy SA'D her when she was only in the 7th grade.These kids bullied her and nobody did nothing about it even after her death they still did nothing about it and the kids that were bullying her still kept talking about her and even MOCKED her death with a doll.They cut it up and just messed it up and put a blood reference on it and wrapped a rope around it and played with it.This is VERY DISTURBING and just CRUEL and nobody deserves this AT ALL.If you know smb that is going through a tough time encourage them to talk to ppl that will actually help them and help them seek help.


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