Sex Talk

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(I literally had to with the song choice.It was calling my name and I answered so don't judge me) Also this has two parts btw


Out of breath.

Tingling sensations.

This is all max feels while at work sitting at her desk.she cant help but think about lucas after what happen last night.She knows she is soaking wet and doesn't dare get u because she's afraid it might drip,that's how wet she is.She has been like this all morning.It seems like it got worse as time flies by.

He is all she thinks about right at this moment.Multiple times she has had people come up to her and have full conversations but she wasn't listening to a single one.No matter what he was the number one thing on her mind.She looks at the time on her computer sitting right in front of her and its reads...

3:00 p.m

She silently groans in her chair.She doesn't know how long of this she can take.Time suddenly goes by slower and slower.She keeps looking at the clock and for what seems like hours actually are just minute by minutes.The heat grows hotter and hotter the more max thinks about it.It makes her wanna take off all her clothes right here,right now.

She looks towards the door and sees a dark skinned man that reminds her of lucas and for a second she thought it was him.She watches him talk to one of her bosses and lightly smiles while talking.

His smile.

His voice.

His personality.

It all reminds her of one person.Lucas.She swears that he is him but in a different body.This makes it even harder to control herself because now there is actually someone in the same room as her that reminds her of him.She tries to focus on her work but finds herself looking up at him

every minute.

God.She doesn't know how it got this bad.At first she has never been like this ever but as her and lucas grew closer she felt more and more attractive to him.He is good in bed and she has never had a doubt about it.Especially after last night...

She tells herself mentally that she will control herself so she gets up and looks down in her seat to see if her chair is wet but luckily she doesn't see anything.She rushes to the bathroom and goes into a stall.She uses the bathroom,wipe,pull up her panties,pulls her black dress down,and flushes the toilet.She opens the stall door and heads toward the sink with a small mirror hanging over it.She washes her hands with soap and water.She sits there for a moment just staring at herself in the mirror.She groans once again before leaving out.

As she walks down the hallway headed back to her desk,She bumps into one of the girls at work."Oh hi max" the girl says while picking up the papers that flew."Um,hi" Max replies back while bending down to help."Well,It was nice seeing you" the girl says as if that don't see eachother everyday."Oh I forgot to tell lucas himself,but please tell him that I say thanks.He knows what im talking about" the girl says fast before hurrying down the hallway to the direction she was headed.Max couldn't believe what she just heared.Lucas owes a girl something,that couldn't be right.

Max brushes it off because she already not feeling to good.she sits back down and looks up at the dark skinned guy just to not see him there.She turns her face up in confusion looking around.She jumps when he taps her on the shoulder."excuse me vanilla,but am I just that fine for you to keep looking at me" he says with a smirk.Just great not only does he act like lucas but he tells the same type of things lucas says to.

"I-I wasn't looking at you" she says in a nervous tone."Oh darling,you don't have to lie.I just wanna know if thats fine with you princess" he says while being inches apart from her face.Geez what is wrong with this guy.The tension is getting dangerously high and its driving max crazy."Damn,you're even sexier up close" He says while still being inches apart from her face.

This just made max pissed off.At first she thought he was fine and all but now he is seriously getting on her nerves.To be honest the only reason she even found him fine and all is because he reminded her of lucas.But the thing is,he is not lucas.Thats the number one thing him and her both need to get understood.So she will not entertain him nor his games."If you're done please leave and let me do my work" she says in an irritated tone."Damn,you a really feisty" he says while chuckling.She ignores him and focus on her work.Even though he makes it hard because he is right there in her face watching her every move.

She looks at the clock and it reads 4:55 p.m

She gets off at 5:00 so she wishes the time speeds up so she can hurry and leave because she does not wanna stay any longer especially because she is really annoyed right now.She waits and finally it is 5:00.She jumps up and closes her computer.She grabs her bag and heads towards the door.Right when she opens he door she sees him again."Why in a hurry" he says in a sarcastic tone."LEAVE ME ALONE" she says in a angry tone.She turns the door almost out then he grabs her by the arm."Why are you so difficult" he says in a mad tone.She tries to scream but no one is there due to them getting off before her.She struggles and struggles before kicking him between the legs.

She goes towards him and he just sits there holding his area,screaming in pain.Going to do something else to him she sees someone grab him from behind and punches him multiple times in the stomach causing him to fall on the ground.When she looks up she sees the one and only 


And that my friends is the end for part 1.Please be on the look out for part 2 which won't be posted until probably two or three days from now all depending and yeah.This might not seem to juicy but I promise its just the beginning.I wanted to build up the story before actually getting to the point.But thats all.

Love you guys...bye 💕                           

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