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pov:Lucas plans a sweet valentines day for max.(their married)

Today is valentines day and Lucas plans to have a romantic day with his wife.He sat an alarm to wake him up early to get ready for the day.When the alarm went off he got out the bed quietly because max was right beside him and he didn't want her to wake up.he went in the bathroom and got ready.The only flaw in his plan is that he needs max out the house so he called el and asked if she could stall max and take her somewhere.She said yes and at this point he was happy.

He left and went to the store.He got candles,candy,perfume,chocolate,roses,balloons,lotion,and he even went to another store and got a special ring he ordered online first that has max and his name on it.He wanted today to be perfect for him and max.After that trip he went to get something to eat because he didn't even eat breakfast before he left the house.

He went into a new cafe that had just opened a couple of months ago.He looks around and spots a familiar face."What up dustin." Lucas says as he walks up to him."Oh what up man." Dustin says happily."I thought you would be with max." Dustin says. "Well,I thought you would be with suzie." Lucas says. "Suzie ditched me so she could hang out with her cousin." Dustin says in an annoying tone. "" Lucas says. "No worries,I have a hot date with my breakfast." "Man I can't play with you.Have a good day dustin." Lucas says."Bye lucas." Dustin says.He orders his food after dustin leaves.When he got done he decided to call el.

"Hi el.Is everything ok?" He questions."Everything is going fine.Me and max are at the mall and lets just say she picked out interesting things so you guys are going to have fun." Lucas thinks for a second before brushing it off. "Well thanks el.I won't be gone to much longer.I know you and mike probably have plans today." "Your welcome lucas." He hangs up the phone and looks to see what time it is.It reads 10:30 a.m.He gets up and leaves the cafe.

He goes into many others stores to look and see if he can find anthing else that might make today special.He goes into purse stores because he knows max loves purses.Its funny because at first max didn't even think about purses but now she wears them everyday.She got girlier as she grew into an adult.Lucas loves her no matter what but something about her embracing her female self makes him feel some type of way.A way he can't quite understand.Its nice to see her grow into things.

He makes his way through every aisle and looks at the different purses he sees.He saw a bunch of cute ones but none of them were max's style.He was just finna leave out until he saw a lime green purse that caught his attention.The design is the exact design max loves in a purse.He smiles to himself because he know that he is doing everything right.He picks it up and walks to the cash register.After paying for it he heads to the car.Once he made it to the car he puts the purse in the passenger seat then starts the car.

He feels like he did everything right and got just the right things to make it special.Well almost everything...

He makes one last stop to a bakery.He gets out the car and heads in.He can see that their almost closed because the workers were cleaning and sweeping the floors.He walks up to the female register.He looks at the menu but out the corner of his eyes he can see her staring at him.He tries not to pay attention to her.He then turns to look at her to order then he can see she starts twirling her hair with her finger while looking at his lips like she was ready to kiss him any minute now.He wasn't worried though because if she even leans in he was going to smack the hell out of her.He doesn't like when females do this as if it was ok.

So he ignores her and orders a big cake and champagne.He pays then quickly turns to leave but before he could the cashier says "You going to eat all that alone or do you need some help." He turns to look at her in a disgusting matter then responds by saying "Im pretty sure me and my wife don't need help." He says that before leaving.

Now he's pretty sure he has everything ready.The sun is almost completely down.Now he just wants to get home before max does.

He finally makes it home after driving for some time now.He opens the front door and gets everything ready.He first starts in the bedroom.He grabs some of the roses and pell the petals off.He puts the petals in a heart shape then with the rest he spells "for my one and only." Then he grabs the balloons placing them over the bed.

He then goes into the garage and grabs a table they use to use for things.He brings it into the bedroom.He decorates it then puts the cake and champagne on it.He then goes into the bag with all the stuff he bought and grabs the candles out of it.He looks in the bathroom for a match then lights the candles.He goes into the hallway after lighting the candles then with the other set of roses he places them in order on the floor from the front door all the way to their room.

He goes in the living room then puts candles in different places.With the rest of the things he place it into a bag then sets it beside the bed.He waits in the room until she gets there.


"Omg el today was so fun.I kinda wish lucas called and checked on me,I mean Its valentine and he hasn't even bothered to talk to me.Im going to hurt him when I get home." El just sits there and listen to max rant about lucas not checking on her.She tries her hardest not to smile or smirk because then max will find out that she helped plan this whole thing.She has to admit she loves when she has to keep max out the house for some type of secret plan.The best part is max doesn't even know."Anyways el thanks for today.Im going to have a long talk with lucas." She says before getting out the car headed inside.

When she walks in she has to do a douple take when she enters.The scenery is amazing and it just seems to get better.She walks down the hall seeing roses on the floor and trying not to step on them.When she enters the room she really tries hard not to cry at what she sees.Happy is not even the word that describes how she feels.Her heart could just explode.Lucas goes in to hug her and whispers that he loves her into her ears so many times.At this point she starts to cry in his arms.She truly feels free right now.

After sitting their embracing each other they start to eat the cake and drink until they can't anymore.She then looks into the bag he got her and starts to cry even more.

Right when she thought things couldn't get better he grabbed her hands then pulled her towards the bathroom.When she went in their were roses in the tub and candles around the tub.She honestly couldn't even think straight.They pulled their clothes off and stepped in.They sat in their for about two hours before getting out.The bath itself was not the only reason it took so long for them to come out.


Once they got out they got ready for bed then climbed in.Max crawled on top of him and just passed out with a smile on her face.Lucas was dozing off then looked over at her.Once he saw her smile it made him smile.He went to sleep happy knowing that they both had a good day.


Hi guys, I am beyond tired right now.It took me a WHILE finishing this chapter and im happy its finally done after starting on it a month ago.Im really lost in words so thx for all the love and support for this chapter and im looking forward to see more of you.Im probably finna go back to sleep so when I wake up hopefully I feel better then what I do right now.So byee

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