Game day!! (part 1)

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Pov:Its game day at hawkins highschool.

"Fuck lucas" max says in between moans.Lucas continues to suck on max's neck breaking the layer of skin.

"Your're gonna give me a hickey lucas" max says with her eyes closed,him still sucking on her neck.

"Thats what im going for" he says in a pause.

They both stop what their doing when they hear the gym door open from outside the boys locker room. "Shit" they both say in unison.

"Go hide in that stall right there" lucas says while pointing to a stall.

"Whatever" max says annoyingly while walking away,heading towards the stall.

Lucas quickly fixes himself up and heads towards the door awkwardly to check who came in the gym.

As he walks towards the door he bumps straight into the Hawkins Highschool basketball coach,in which he didn't want to.

"Hey, lucas sinclair,we have a big game today and if we do good rather than last game we could have a shot at nationals.I mean you didn't hear it form me but I found out that you could have a really good scholarship at that university you wanted to go to and so this is your chance to show them the lucas sinclair that everyone talks so much about.Your the best player on this team lucas and they need you.Don't sweat it though kid,give your best and hope for the best and even if you don't get that chance you can still try again.Have fun out there lucas.Im proud of you."

Lucas just stared at him feeling like he can't move.No one has really told him that they were proud of him in his life like the way coach just did.Sometimes he even hopes for a little bit of appreciation but he doesn't say anything.

"Thanks coach,I really appreciate it." lucas says while smiling nervously.

"Anytime sinclair,anytime."

"You know all of us really need a break sometimes and to be honest I really thought that maybe you would be a vacations type of guy and im not saying you aren't but it seems like you would have another way to release your stress." he side eyeing the stall max is in.

Lucas put two and two together and got what he was trying to say.He looked back at coach and shook his head lightly.

"Coach I- 

He was cut off by the coach himself, "Hey,we were all there kid.I was once your age to and let me tell you this hot guy got all the ladies." he said while pointing at himself smiling.

Lucas would have rather not have heard that,like at all.And even though he didn't say anything his face said it all.

"Not to much now son,I still got it." the coach continued.

Before lucas just walks away from it all he gets stopped by the coach. "Don't leave your girl in the bathroom."

"Hey mayfield,come on out." the coach screamed.

Max came out the bathroom with a slightly red face.Lucas has not saw her do this that much but when he does it warms his heart.

"Hey coach,I,it wasn't wha-

She got cut off just like lucas and the coach spoke,"Just like I told him,we were all once that age and you kn-"

He this time got cut off by max," I get it coach,please,I dont want to hear that." she says slowly rolling her eyes.

"Yeah well you two have a good rest of your day and please make sure to wear a condom,TRUST ME"

Max and lucas both close their ears and turn away,walking fast,trying to focus on game day.

So this was a shit ending I know,but please bare with me.I haven't updated in a while and Im trying to start the year off right.I didn't really care about the ending bc its that time of the month and the cramps are KILLING ME SLOWLY..

But yeah thats all um I gave yall a spicy moment bc why not and im the best so..yeah

Anywayss most importantly this has another part and this is just part 1 bc I need more chapters so why not a part 2 type thing..I LOVE YALL BYEEE 💗 💗

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