Accidental Interaction

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Pov:Max Leaves work one day while it was raining and forgets her umbrella but then happens to meet a man name lucas who offers his umbrella.

"Im so sorry im late.The bus was stuck in traffic and...yeah" max says while in a panic.The woman turns around and looks at max with a smile."Max, calm down.I'm not mad at all.Stop beating yourself up about it." The woman says after hopping off the stool she was sitting on and rubbing max on the shoulder in a comfort matter.Max sits down at her station and starts on creating her decoration to go on the hat she made last week.She loves how sweet her coworker jane is.She never fusses at anyone for no absolute reason unless she has to but she rarely has to.

Max first met jane at a hat shop.Jane saw how max wondered around looking at the hats judging the hats based on how they looked and she must say this girl had taste as jane always tells her when she brings up this story on how they met.But yeah she saw max and offered her a job since she worked there and max really looked interested in hats and their designs.To this day she never forgets what happened that very special day.

She looks outside the window that's right in front of her and looks at the water droplets coming down,some hitting the window.She finds the rain peaceful.It always make her problems ease away."Max we are going to head out for a bit but we are coming back soon alright?" Jane says in a hurry before rushing out the door with the other ladies.

She smiles to herself thinking about what just happened.She decides that maybe she needs a break to and gets up from her stool.She brushes her skirt off and makes her way to the upstairs they have.She lookes from the balcony and sees a dark skinned man and she notice how his clothes are clean and  the way he smiles.He seems like a handsome man but she knows she could never get the courage to talk to him.She really never even thinks about stuff like that.Her mother and her sister tells her that maybe she needs to get out there but she thinks she's just fine where she is.

She looks into the sky for a second,seeing that the rain droplets cleared up a bit.She smiles softly then turns around and heads back downstairs to finish her hat decoration.when she gets downstairs she can see that the rest of the ladies were still not back just yet.She really didn't think they would anyway because they love to have fun and flirt with the soldier men that guards different parts of the street.She looks out the door that is in the back part of shop where her and the other ladies work and sees flowers.She grabs her basket and decides to go outside and pick some.

She is currently bending over to pick up some blue flowers right in front of her but its kinda hard  to get all of them.She suddenly feels hands wrap around her waist holding her up.before she can even turn around she hears the males voice say "You should be more careful" he says softly looking at her.It's the same man that she catches a glance at everytime she sees him.She smiles and tilts her head down "Thank you for helping me" she says before heading back inside.He smiles at her then start walking down the street.

She looks out the window and sees him walking away.She mentally screams in her head and starts back working on her hat.She suddenly hears the front door open and turns around to see the ladies coming back."Max I found the perfect dress for you.Your're going to loveeeee it." jane says.She goes to look in the bag and pulls the dress out.The dress looks like a cinderella dress except its not blue its a pretty purple."Omg jane,I love it!" max says before hugging jane.She looks back at the time and sees that its time for her to get off of work.

"Ladies im going to go ahead and get out" max says to them.She hears them saying ok in response.She looks to see it raining while getting all of her stuff.She goes to reach for her umbrella but for some reason she cant seem to find it.She goes through her whole back when she notices a tall figure beside her with an umbrella.

"Hi,you dont have an umbrella do you?" the man question."No,I guess I forgot it somehow.She say in response while laughing."Well Im happy to share" he says while coming towards her causing her to back up."Especially sense its you" he says in her ear.She blushes causing lucas to chuckle."So what is your name exactly" she says to him while both of them walks."Lucas" he says in response."Yours" he questions while turning to look at her."Max" she says while looking ahead."That is one pretty ass name" he says while smirking at her."Thanks" she says while laughing.

They continue walking until the rain clears.She looks at him and say "Thank you for being so kind" she says while looking at him."What" she says in a question matter. "I might get rejected but I don't give a fuck.Will you like to go on a date with me?" he says while looking at her nervously.She is honestly surprised by his question.She thinks for a bit then says "Hell yeah" she says confidently.He chuckle once more then tells her bye.

She walks away thinking about what the future holds

Tbh I dont really like this chapter.I mean the pov is good but how I wrote it didn't seem like interesting enough.I have zero confidence in this chapter.I feel like I didn't bring the action and its kinda lame but um... Im not redoing this so its just gonna have to work.Oh I almost forgot,some of the parts in this chapter is an idea I got from this movie called:Howl's Moving Castle and I absolutely love this movie and I love the rest of their movies made by studio Ghibli.

I highly recommend watching their movies.There really good.My favs are Howl's Moving Castle,Ponyo,and Spirited Away.

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