Sex Talk (part 2)

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The only thing that can describe this car ride home.After the events that happened at max's job neither of them has said a word.


"Came to pick you up from work" He says while finishing off the guy.

She comes back to reality and looks down to see lucas hand on her thigh,squeezing it firmly."I can here your thoughts from all the way over here" he says while still focused on the road.She looks at him for a second before turning to look out the window.

Honestly she doesn't know what she was thinking.She started this whole thing but if someone ask her why she couldn't even answer it.This whole situation is driving max crazy and makes her mind go blurry.She knows eventually she is going to have to tell lucas the whole story but she is kinda scared to see his reaction.

She was in the wrong and she guess thats why she can't face lucas now or when she does tell him the truth.Thats why she just keeps looking out the window looking at all the different cars going by.

The guilt is starting to kick in and max finds her leg shaking constantly.She starts thinking back to how she was flirting with him and leading him on even though she knows their is lucas.This could have been avoided if she just didn't do all that stuff to him but that guy was also in the wrong also.

Instead of being a man about it and just leave her alone he liked the fact that she took an interest in him.He liked how she could barely control herself.He liked how she looked at him with those pretty blue eyes.She was like a toy to him.He could have easily manipulated her into anything but sadly didn't get the chance.

All of these emotions come at her at once before finally,they arrive at home.

Lucas pulls up into the driveway and turns the car off,But he just sits there with a thinking expression on his face.Max turns and looks at him seeing him still just sitting there looking straight ahead.After two minutes or so he turns and looks at max then opens the doors.She jumps out quickly and runs in the house.Lucas is still outside in the car giving himself a minute then jumps out.

He makes his way in the house after locking the car doors.He closes the front door and locks it.He can hear footsteps coming from upstairs from each direction.He goes into the kitchen and opens the fridge and sees a beer.He goes to grab it then turns around hearing the door automatically closing.He opens the beer and takes a sip while leaning against the counter just...thinking.Thats all he can do as if this moment.

Currently max is upstairs nervously getting ready to take a bath.She honestly needs to find a way to relax and this her only method other than lucas but she can't do that now can she.She goes in the bathroom and get out of her clothes and jumps in the steaming hot water.

After a couple of minutes in the guilt kicks back in.She just sits there and chant these exact words in her head




That didn't work at all though.The feeling was overwhelming and she couldn't stand it.This caused her to jump out of the tub and get dressed for bed.

When she came out she could hear lucas coming so she jumped in the bed and turned off the lamp right beside their bed.

When he came in the room he looked over at her and assumed she was sleep to he took a bath and did his routine.When he got out he climbed in the bed and put the covers over himself while facing max's way.

He went to her ear and whispered "We will talk tomorrow." before giving her a kiss on the forehead.

Causing max to have an uneasy feeling.

*Time skip*

It is currently 6:30 a.m. and max is still up from last night.She didn't fall asleep but its more of she couldn't.She was up thinking about how the day will go when lucas gets up.

She knows he will ask about the situation and honestly the gulit is slowly building inside,waiting to be set free.

This was one of the things she couldn't get herself out of and she knew she couldn't.

The more the seconds go by the more she thinks of the figure laying sound asleep beside her on his side.

She doesn't dare turn over to look at him because then she will get the uneasy feeling she always gets when he makes her nervous or catches her in a lie.The bathroom just a couple of feet away looked tempting to run into but she knows he won't stay there and wait but rip the door off the hinges.

She builds up the confidence to turn around at him.The intense feeling she feels is overwhelming.In her mind it feels as if her head is about to explode any minute now.

Not only does her head hurts but she has the sudden urge to pee.She quietly rolls out the bed and walk as slow as she can,to not make any noise.

She goes in the bathroom and do her thing.She pulls up her pants and flush gently.She washes her hands and twist the doornob with caution,lightly opening the door,still some sound coming from it.

She sighs as she gets ready to walk out.As she walks out she closes the door behind,trying to stay as quiet as possible.She turns back to the front of her and there he is.

Sitting there watching her with intensive eyes,watching her every move.Every single step she takes.As if now her heart stops maybe even dropped.She can't quite tell what's happening to her body.But all she knows is time suddenly feels like it slowed down and the earth just stopped.The muscles in her body tense and its feels like something is stepping on her chest,knocking the air out of her.

"I wonder when were you coming out" his deep voice sounds raspy but firm and she knows where this is going.

"I had to pee and yeah..." she says shifting around awkwardly.

"You know I had the craziest dream,he pauses. that I fucked you so hard that you couldn't move or breathe.The way you moaned my name made me so fucking hard,god you don't know what you do to me mi amor."

The way the last part rolled off his tongue made max hot and flustered.Her panties are drenched and its not her fault.

"I will leave for work in a couple of minutes 

Oh no here it comes

and when I come back,we will talk"

Sooo,I decided that I will make a part 3 bc I didn't expect this to be very long but it very much is so yeah a part 3 will be up but I will warn yall that it won't be anytime soon bc tmr Im going to the fair and sunday I have to go shopping and stuff with my mom and monday I have to attend something with one of my relatives,so my schedule is packed for the next couple of days but I assure you it will get done

~that is all for today my loves,I hope you all are doing well and yeah~

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