Game day (part 2)

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"How do they make this shit that good." max said practically moaning at the flavor bouncing on her tongue.She was currently eating a Barbecued snag and she don't know how she got here but she loves it.

"I don't know they genetically make all that crap your eating right now so either way your gonna die of cancer or whatever they put in that meat." Dustin said gritting that last part out.

"dusty calm down." suzie chimed in.

"Yea I don't know what's got your panties in a twist and watchu mouth when you talking to me,child." Max responded with a slight attitude.

"whatever." He said while rolling his eyes to where El was.

El on the other hand was more worried about when her boyfriend is getting here.They were all waiting in the gym where the school board was hosting the game and they also set up confession stands for whom ever was hungry and wanted something to eat.

Mike was apart of the basketball team with lucas even though he couldn't hoop for shit.Usually they just benched him anways but had to make him feel like he was special when ever he started complaining about the fact.

People only came for one person which was The Lucas Sinclair.

His name was everywhere and everybody knew it.His face was all around hawkins,colleges and different teams even tried to steal him but failed terribly.

"Hey when are they coming?" El asked for the a millionth time.Everyone was sick of it at this point.

"El, for the absolute last time,we dont know.So stop asking us before you make us mad and im trying to be happy today,alright?" Max said in an annoyed way,slightly screaming.

From the corner of her eye she could see El quivering her lips and bowing her head.She didn't mean to make her sad but her question was annoying and getting on everybody nerves.

"El im sorry,please forgive me." Max said softly.

"Wow,having max apologize to you is a honor.How does it feel?" He asked with a smirk on his face.When was he suddenly a dick.

"Its fine,I understand." That was a lie.She felt hurt but decided not to make it a big deal cause she didn't wanna seem dramatic.Max was mean at times and she tried not to be so sensitve as they like to say it but she's only human and those words hurt.

But as the person she was and also hated,she forgave them.Not this in general but every time they did it.Sometimes it was mean other times it was just straight up cruel.But they didn't mean it, they were her friends after all.

She put a smile on her face anyways and waited along with everyone else for the boys to come in the gym and start the game.

Cheers to game day!!

Welp guys this was short but I hoped you liked it!!Once again I decided I wanted this to be another part so there will be another part to this story.I switched pov's during this story if you didnt quite notice.I also gave a little entail about how El felt and added her emotion but as I was writing this I was thinking to myself maybe I was doing to much? cse it kinda seemed like this was about El sorta even though this is about lumax and their happy game day.If you feel like this to let me know if you don't mind.

Also if you guys dont mind leave me some oneshot ideas and I am almost 100% sure that I will do it!!! Well other than that I am in a good mood so praise the lordddd.

so yea..BYEE 💞

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