Partner In Crime

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Y/n pov

Today is the day I start my 5th year at Hogwarts, I'm a little upset to leave my father but I am over the moon to leave my horrid step-mother, she has always treated Charles and I like dirt and won't hesitate to get us kicked out our own home.

I snuck out this morning with Charles, we said goodbye to our father and told him we were heading to the platform early; really Charles and I just didn't wanna see or say bye to our step-mother, not outlr sister either, she's been taking after our step-mom, and she's a muggle too since she took after our no-maj biological mom.

When Charles and I got to the platform we got on the train to get ourselves a compartment. He told me he was going to meet up with some friends and bring them here. Charles was in his last year of Hogwarts and he's going to further in Quidditch and become a professional player, I must say he has gotten quite the skill when he's on his broom.Other than that he is HORRID at pretty much any subject, except D.A.D.A, he's pretty good at that.

We are both Slytherin, the most cunning house as they say, but really Charles is just a big softie. Although we both smoke and drink so I wouldn't really suger coat it.

As I pull out a book to start reading, he comes back, this time with a boy I've never seen before, normally he just brings William and Maximus from his Quidditch team;but this time he brings a boy with long jet black hair, he's holding what looks like a satchel and he's got something poking out of his left sock.

"Hey y/n, I've got you a friend!" He says, dragging the kid closer to me. The boy looks a bit uncomfortable.
"Charles you don't need to annoy this kid and try to force him to be friends with me."

"No,no,no,no this is Severus Snape, he's in Slytherin too, sixth year I'm sure, ain't that right buddy?" He pats Severus on the shoulder.

"Indeed, I am in fact a sixth year."
His voice is nice a deep, quite languid and calming. "Yeah, and I didn't just pick him of the street y/n, I met him last year, he's great company." Charles winks at me, I'm not too sure what he means but I just ignore it. I get up to shake the kids hand "Hi,Severus I'm y/n Y/l/n."
I stick out my hand for him to shake, to my surprise he doesn't shake my hand back he simply just say's "A real pleasure to meet you y/n." He seems almost bored.

Ok, two can play at that game

I moved to sit down and Severus sits opposite me. "I'm just of to get William, Maximus is sitting with his 'girlfriend'." Charles says in a sarcastic way, Charles is not very fond of the whole girlfriend thing, but I mean what do you expect, he is gay after all.

As he leaves I don't even try to make small talk with Severus, he pulls out a book on Potions and starts reading. I go back to mines, I'm reading a fictional story called Haunting Adeline.

He looks over at me and raises his eyebrow. "Haunting.Adeline?" He says. Then mutters under his breath after a light scoff and says "Pathetic."
"Oh? Pathetic you say? Tell me Severus how do you know this book is pathetic, and how does it make me pathetic. I'm sure you haven't read it, have you?" You say in response to his rude demeanor.

He keeps his head down, still concentrating on his book, without looking up he says "I have read it indeed, but it's typical to find a girl reading the book, everywhere I look I see a girl with that exact book.....I have a question for you miss y/n." He says. "And that is?"

"Do woman only read for smut?"

His question had you stunned, he was right, majority of us only read for smut and I'm part of them (guilty) but at the same time it was as if he knew the answer and just wanted to degrade me.

"No, we don't all read for smut." I replied. "Whatever you say."

It had been a while and I was wondering if Charles was ever coming back. It was nearly time for the train to start moving so I told Severus I was going to go looking for him. He gave me a slight nod and I was off and on my way to look for my devious brother.

I found him sitting in a compartment a little down the hall with his friends having the time of his life. I scolded him and asked him why he never returned. "Oh yeah sorry sis, I forgot to come back, but I'm gonna stay here with the team, plus I want you and Severus to get time to know eachother." He gave me a wink once again and I left without another word.

As I got back to the compartment, I closed the door and sat down. I folded my arms and poured for a bit "What's the matter? And may I ask where is your brother?" Severus said. "My bitch of a brother is busy with his friends in the other compartment,he's gonna leave us alone here." I sulked, why did he have to do that, I don't even know this kid and he's getting on my nerves.

Severus looked at me with the slightest bit of simpathy, I don't think he has many friends either.
The train started moving and we were of. He pulled up his sock and there was a pouch inside. He lifted it up so I was in clear view of it. He unwrapped it and while doing that he asked me "You smoke?" I was pretty taken aback by what he asked me but I gently nodded in response. He sighed and said "I was gonna save this for myself after we got back to Hogwarts but I guess I could use it now." He stopped after opening it, he lit it with a lighter he had in his pocket "Wanna share?"

"Sure." I leaned over and took the cigarette from him, I inhaled from it and passed it back to him, he also did the same as I did. Except to enlighten the depressing mood he started blowing rings in the air.

I giggled at his action and he gave me a light smile;almost like a little smirk.

That day we went through 2 packs of cigarettes together, all in one go. Let's just say I owe him a pack now.
I was surprised we didn't get caught;from then on Severus Snape had become my number one buddy. We became so close it was like we were stitched to each other's sides, inseparable, my partner in crime.

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