Chapter 24 Exchange Program between Academies

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Jaune's POV

A day has passed since I revealed my origins to those of the Yokai academy which I am taking notes in Ms Nekonome's class

"Hmm yeah I think that should happen" I say to myself

As the time passes the bell ending first period rings which I get up from my desk and prepare to head for the next class

But the second I step out of class a girl holding a stick on her shoulders approaches me

But the second I step out of class a girl holding a stick on her shoulders approaches me

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"Jaune Aono?" The girl asks me

"Yeah what can I do for you?" I respond to the girl

"You need to come with me as the public safety commission needs a new leader after you killed our previous one" The girl says

"Can it wait till after school hours are done?" I asks the girl

"Fine but don't try to leave campus as we will find you" the girl says before walking away

I head for my next class which the school day goes on as normal

After a while the final bell rings which I head for the headmasters office to discuss something with him

Arriving at the office I knock on the door

"Headmaster Mikogami it's Jaune Aono may I come in?" I ask

"You may enter Mr Aono" the headmaster says from his side of the door

Opening the door I enter to see the headmaster sitting at his desk

"What brings you here Mr Aono?" The headmaster asks me

"Headmaster I was wanting to know if you'd be interested in doing a exchange program between students of here and students at my Great grandfather's academy" I say

"You wish to see if I'd be willing to do a exchange program with your great grandfather?" The headmaster responds to me

"Yes sir see if I am to help build a bridge of peace between both Yokai and humans I believe that having an exchange program between the two academies would be the first step in making that goal come true as those who take the step in the exchange can learn about each other's realms" I say

The headmaster thinks for a moment

"You make a good point Mr Aono very well I will accept to do the exchange program I assume you talked with your great grandfather?" The headmaster asks me

"Not yet sir I wanted to ask you first since I am technically a student here but I will go ask now also if a member of the public safety commission asks for me please tell them I had to head home for a moment to talk with a relative" I say before exiting the office

As I get on my bike to go to my great grandfather's academy the Akashiya and the girls approach me

"Jaune where are you going?" Moka asks me

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