Chapter 12 A Schnee gets removed

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Shadow here and before the chapter starts I just want to say that this chapter idea was suggested by JinnyKisaragi so there will not be any Yokai Academy shenanigans for the chapter mainly beacon academy this time

But without further a do let the chapter begin

Beacon Academy 3rd POV

Several days has passed since Weiss and Russel had a heated argument which Weiss's team is reaching their breaking point of Weiss's bitching about the punishment they have to endure

"Girls" Ruby says which causes Yang and Blake to look at her

"I'm getting fed up with Weiss's complaining of what we have to endure now for our betrayal to Jaune" Ruby says

"I'll be honest with you sis so am I" Yang says while her arms are behind her head

"I am too fed up with her especially when she consistently boasts how she did something for the greater good of the academy" Blake says

"Then we are in agreement to have her removed from the team?" Ruby asks Yang and Blake

"No arguments from me sis" Yang says

"I'm in agreement too Ruby" Blake says

"Then let's go to the headmaster's office to inform him what we want done" Ruby says which she Yang and Blake all make for the door just as Weiss opens and enters the room

"Where are you three going?" Weiss asks

"It's none of your concern Weiss" Ruby says seriously

"Uh yes it is especially when we are a team" Weiss arrogantly says

Ruby Yang and Blake ignore Weiss and walk out the room which they make their way to Ozpins office

*Knock* *Knock*

"Enter!" Ozpin says from the other side of the doors

Ruby Yang and Blake enter to see Ozpin and Glynda talking

"What can I do for you ladies?" Ozpin asks

"Headmaster sir we want Weiss Schnee removed from team rwby please" Ruby says

"Might I ask why you want her removed?" Ozpin asks

"Sir she has been constantly complaining about the punishment you and your wife gave us" Blake says

"Not only that she is consistently boasting about doing this academy something great when we betrayed Jaune that day" Yang says

"I have to agree with them Ozpin as I constantly have to deal with hearing Ms Schnee complain and boasting about she done the right thing by having Mr Arc removed" Glynda says

"I see and you three are in agreement with what you want done?" Ozpin asks rby

"Yes sir we are in full agreement of having Weiss removed from the team" Ruby says

"And does Ms Schnee know of your intentions?" Ozpin asks

"No sir as we told her nothing of what we were planning to do" Blake says

"I see very well from now on team rwby will now be rby and Ms Schnee is now removed from the team and will be put in a separate dorm to accommodate her removal from your team. Glynda please accompany them and help Ms Schnee move into her new dorm" Ozpin says

"Let's go you three" Glynda says which Ruby Blake and Yang all nod their heads

Exiting Ozpins office the four make their way to dorm that was once known for team rwby but is now for team rby

Opening the door to the dorm they see Weiss lounging on her bed

"Where did you three go?" Weiss asks

"Ms Schnee please pack your stuff you have been removed from the team and are being placed in a separate dorm" Glynda says which shocks Weiss

"What?! *Looks to Ruby* how dare you have me removed!! I am the best thing this team has to offer!!" Weiss yells loudly

"To be frank no you're not" Ruby says

"Explain then how I'm not the best thing for the team!!" Weiss shouts

"Well let's see for one you've been complaining about my sister being put as leader since the team was announced" Yang says

"She shouldn't be the leader I should of been picked!" Weiss says loudly

"Not only that but I did a little digging and found out you've been paying those who you went up against in professor goodwitch's class to lose to you as to make it seem like you won fair and square" Blake says

"Oh really and do you have proof of this Ms Belladonna?" Glynda asks

Blake nods and brings out her scroll which she plays a voice recording which consists of Blake talking to one of the students that went up against Weiss

Listening to the recording Glynda then narrows her eyes at Weiss

"So you were paying others to lose on purpose to you Ms Schnee" Glynda says

"Damn you cat I'll destroy you!" Weiss yells as she attempts to attack Blake

Ruby then gets in front of Blake and delivers a hard punch to Weiss's face sending her crashing into the wall

"Do not attack my teammate Schnee" Ruby says seriously

"Nice going sis" Yang says

"Yes thank you for standing up for me Ruby" Blake says

"Quite but in any case I shall take Ms Schnee to her new dorm which I'll send for port to come grab her stuff later" Glynda says

"Very well Professor" RBY says together

Glynda soon picks up the unconscious Weiss with her semblance and takes her out of the dorm

"Man I'm glad she's gone now we don't have to hear her nag" Yang says as she lays on her back on her bed

Suddenly a head pops up at the door frame which is revealed to be Pyrrha

"Is everything alright?" Pyrrha asks

"Yeah we just removed the nagging one from the team" Blake says

"You mean you got Weiss off your team?" Ren asks

"Yes although she tried to attack Blake but sis here sent her crashing into the wall *points to where Weiss crashed* " Yang says

"That was Ruby?! Damn how'd you get that strong?!" Nora says excitedly

"What you think because I'm fragile I don't know how to fight? I mean come on I've been using a weapon bigger and heavier than me for years" Ruby says

"But in any case we should get some rest so as to continue dealing with our punishments" Pyrrha says which the six all nod their heads

After sometime professor port comes and grabs Weiss's stuff which once he is gone Ruby Blake and Yang all turn out the light and fall asleep in their respective beds


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