Chapter 23 Plans in the making

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3rd POV Remnant

A few days has passed since Weiss Schnee was expelled from beacon academy and was blacklisted from all four huntsman academies

Weiss has arrived back at Atlas which she is still throwing curses at what happened to her

"Damn it! They need me! They all need my brilliance!!' Weiss shouts as she pounds the desk in front of her in her room

Winter enters Weiss's room and sees the room in a complete wreck

"You do know this is the result of your actions Weiss" Winter says to Weiss

"How is it the result of my actions?!?! When I did what anyone would of done if someone entered an academy using fake papers!!" Weiss Yells at winter

"Do not take that tone with me Weiss! Yes entering an academy with fake papers is a crime" Winter says calmly

"Then you should agree with me that the faker should be in jail!" Weiss says loudly

"But not all huntsman academies require transcripts to enter atlas academy is the only one that requires it" Winter says

Winter exits the room causing Weiss to throw a vase at the door while screaming in pure anger

"I will end that faker one way or another!!!" Weiss yells

Weiss exits her room and heads to the one person that can help her exact revenge on Jaune

Arriving at the door to where the person that can help Weiss act out her is at she opens the door to see her father Jacques sitting behind his desk

"What is it that you want child?" Jacques says as he overlooks some paper on his desk

"I want your help in making a plan to get back at the one who made me suffer!" Weiss yells

"Why should I help you with your idiotic plan you brat!" Jacques responds with a yell of his own

"Because if you don't I will leak to the press your darkest secrets of how you have hidden and I'll make sure you are put behind bars for life" Weiss says with a smug look on her face

"Are you trying to fucking blackmail me into helping you?!?!" Jacques shouts at Weiss

"That's right now are you going to help me or are you wanting to spend your life behind bars daddy" Weiss says with a grin

Seeing that his daughter is not going to let up Jacques can only admit defeat and decides to help

"Fine whatever I'll help." Jacques says in annoyance

"Good good now here's what I'm thinking of for my revenge" Weiss says as she starts to explain her plan

Over in menagerie Belladonna Household

Within the Belladonna house Blake and Kali Belladonna can be seen conversing about how to get a former student of beacon academy

"So mom how do you propose we get Jaune?" Blake asks her mother

"Well what do you know of him before his expelling of your academy?" Kali responds to her daughter

"Hmm well he was clumsy a goof ball but he excelled in leadership class as he has a tactical mind and I think there was something else he was not telling everyone" Blake says

"Hmm Blake what is the name of the author of your erotic books?" Kali asks her daughter

"JMA why?" Blake responds

"Perhaps your headmaster can help with finding out what those initials?" Kali asks

"I don't think the headmaster will tell us of any family matters so it's best to not to ask him" Blake responds

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