Chapter 29 Aftermath of the deaths

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Remnant 3rd POV

A few hours have passed since everyone on remnant witnessed the deaths of Weiss Schnee and Jacques

All are extremely happy the racists members of the Schnee family are gone

Over at Beacon students and teachers can be seen celebrating the death of Weiss

"Fucking finally the ice bitch is dead!" Yang shouts

"I know right! Now we don't have to deal with her nagging!" Nora exclaims

"I wish I could have gotten a hit in on her for what she planned to do before all this happened" Pyrrha says annoyed

"I'm with you there Pyrrha to think she would have taken out Jaune me and Nora just to get you on her old team" Ren says

Blake is silent as everyone converses with each other

"Blake are you alright?" Ruby asks

Blake doesn't hear Ruby

"Remnant to Blake come in Blake" Yang says

"Huh? What?" Blake says as she answers Yang

"Ruby was asking if you were alright" Yang says

"Oh I'm fine just thinking of what my mother and I discussed during the break" Blake says

"Ooh was it something naughty?" Yang asks while wiggling her eye brows

"It's something you don't need to but your nose in Yang" Blake says annoyed

"Blake's right sis you really shouldn't put your nose in something that don't involve you" Ruby says

"Besides we still got harsh school work to still do because of our betrayal to Jaune" Blake says

Ren Nora and Pyrrha walk over to the three

"Don't forget the Grimm are still going to be ruthless to us so we have to deal with them too" Ren says

The six nod and talk amongst each other

Meanwhile up in his office Ozpin is in a call with willow and Winter

"So how is the changes to your company Willow" Ozpin asks

"The changes are coming along just fine Ozpin many of the guards of that 'man' have either been arrested or killed for the trouble they caused" Willow says from her side of the call

"The general is also looking into the removal of the corrupt council members to get them removed which hopefully better ones will be elected" Winter says from her side of the call

"Give it time Winter I assure you that better council members will be picked for Atlas" Ozpin says

As the three communicate about atlas the students within beacon academy are still celebrating the deaths of Weiss Schnee

"So how will we handle our days here at Beacon now that she's gone for good" Ruby asks

"I don't know about you sis but I wanna get back at that faker" Yang says

"Very bad idea Yang seeing as the new academy he's attending has monsters that can kill us and eat us without so much of a second thought" Ren says

"Psh I bet they are not even tough!" Yang says

"Well I for one am not going to help you sis because I would rather choose life instead of being murdered by those monsters" Ruby says which Blake Nora Pyrrha and Ren all nod in agreement

"Whatever I'll just train to overpower that faker" Yang says arrogantly

"Guess I better tell Dad to plan your funeral when you go to confront Jaune" Ruby says

"You sure Don't have much faith in Yang Ruby" Nora says

"It's not that I don't believe in her Nora it's just I think it's suicidal for to even attempt to fight Jaune especially with what I believe to be his new academy friends considering the damage they did to Weiss and her father" Ruby says

"You're right Ruby I think she will most likely perish if she attempted to fight Jaune and his new friend's " Pyrrha says

"Wow really feeling the support here guys! What you all think I can't beat that faker?" Yang asks

"No no you can't beat him!" Everyone nearby shouts loudly

Soon Glynda Goodwitch enters the cafeteria where the first years are having lunch at

"Might I ask that you all not shout so loud while you are having lunch" Glynda says seriously

"Sorry Professor see the reason we shouted loudly as Yang over there *points to Yang* believes she can beat up Jaune after witnessing the deaths of Weiss and Her father" a faunus student tells Glynda

Glynda would then look at Yang with a disapproving expression

"Ms Long I highly recommend you do not fight that Arc disgrace" Glynda says to Yang

"Oh come on teach there's no way he could of have gotten stronger then what he was when he was here even with his so called Superman powers!" Yang says in a loud tone

A magical wall of text then float in the middle of the cafeteria which Ren reads out loud

"If you are so confident in believing you can beat Jaune Aono (Arc) Yang Xiao Long then by all means find a way to him but do know you'll be leaving your father your friends Ruby and many others behind because you'll join Weiss and Jacques in the afterlife" Ren says as he finishes reading the wall of text which disappears

"See Yang even the wall of text is telling you not to do it" Ruby says

"Well I'm still gonna beat him to a pulp" Yang says in a cocky attitude

Author:Yes Yang may or may not be joining Weiss and Jacques in the afterlife but only if you guys and girls want her to be killed off

The bell ending lunch rings which the first years go back to their classes

"Ozpin it seems there could be another death happening" Glynda informs Ozpin through her scroll

"I know I heard everything from the camera in the cafeteria it would seem tai will probably lose a daughter it depends on if she is really stupid enough to go through it" Ozpin says in his text to Glynda

"Should I inform tai and Qrow?" Glynda asks in her text to Ozpin

"Not yet let's wait and see if she actually gets to where Jaune is other then that continue your work schedule as a professor like usual" Ozpin says in his text to Glynda

Glynda nods and continues her school work as a professor which teaching her combat class

Time passes for the day at Beacon before everyone returns to their dorm to rest for tomorrow all but teams Rby npr and rdl as they have alot of homework to do


Shadow here with the next chapter and I want to apologize for the late update as I've been having to update a few other stories alot lately but I hope you enjoy the chapter

And as the author comment during the chapter said if you want to have Yang killed off leave a comment with your answer

See you all in the next chapter

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: May 18 ⏰

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