Chapter 26 Portal Device Built

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Remnant 3rd POV

Within the kingdom of Atlas a device is being built within the military compound of the kingdom

James ironwood is overseeing the project as he looks annoyed at what happened to him a few days before

Flashback to a few days earlier

James can be seen overlooking some papers regarding the military when his office door swings open

Looking up from his paperwork James sees Jacques enter the room

"What do you want Jacques?" James asks

"I need you and your army to build a portal device" Jacques says

"And why per say do you need one?" James responds

Jacques goes silent

"Well? I'm waiting on your answer to as why you need a portal device built" James says

"It's to find that damn brat Jaune Arc!" Jacques yells

"What would you want with him?" James asks

"That fucking daughter of mine wants to find him to get rid of all the suffering she has been through!" Jacques says loudly

Before James can give his answer he receives a message from Ozpin which informs him of what will happen when Jacques and Weiss make it to where Jaune is

"Fine I'll make it but I don't want you or your daughter Weiss Schnee anywhere on the compound anytime either one of you are spotted will result in the project being stopped" James says seriously

Jacques nods and exits the office

Flashback end

It has been several weeks since then and the project is nearly complete

Weiss can be seen in her room making preparation for her fight against to end him once and for all

"Soon I will end that faker for causing all this to happen to me! I should be at Beacon!!" Weiss shouts

Winter is silently listening from the outside of Weiss's room

"Soon you will be no more Weiss and so will 'father' so enjoy your day of breathing while you still have the chance" Winter speaks in her mind before walking off to the military compound

Arriving to where James is Winter approaches the general

"How's the project coming general sir?" Winter asks

"The project is nearly finished specialist... I'll be honest with you winter once your father dies everything will hopefully turn to the better with the faunuses" James says

"I'm sure Jaune has a way to make it happen" winter says

Over at Yokai Academy

Jaune can be seen talking with someone

"So great grandma do you know anyone who can make two truth serum viles?" Jaune asks Salem

"I believe watts can make it for you child but why do you need them?" Salem responds through Atlanta

"I'm going to expose the crimes of Weiss and her father Jacques to everyone on Remnant when they arrive to where I'm at" Jaune responds to Salem

"How exactly do you know what they are planning?" Salem asks through Atlanta

"Great Grandpa Ozpin told me that winter learned of their plan the other day which he then informed me" Jaune says

"Very well I will get watts to work on the truth serum immediately for you" Salem says through Atlanta

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