Chapter 2 First Day At Yokai academy

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Jaune's POV

A few months has passed since I've gotten my powers and was adopted into the Aono family after what I went through back on remnant

During my time I've became quite the famous hero that everyone Praises as i show up to protect everyone but alas that is going to change today

"Here you go Jaune I got this from a random person on my way back from the bar" Dad says as he hands me the paper he got which i grab

"Seriously dad you gotta quit getting wasted it's bad for you" I say while reading the paper

"Jaune is right dear you could seriously get hurt or worse killed for being intoxicated" Mom says

"So what does the paper say Jaune?" Kyoko asks who is visiting

"It's an invitation to Yokai academy which means today is the day I start my objective to bring peace to both races" I say seriously

"But the paper says that the semester starts this Friday" Tsukune says as he looks over my shoulder at the paper

"True but if I get there early I can familiarize myself with the school grounds" I say

"Still I would at least wait till Friday sweetie so that you won't look obvious on your way to the academy" mom says to me

I nod and decide to wait till Friday which during the wait I asked if Batman Superman or the flash (Of whom visited during the months that passed) knew anyone who could protect the city near me in my place while I'm at Yokai academy

Timeskip til Friday

Friday arrives and the door bell rings which I go to open

Upon opening the door I see five individuals standing at the door

Upon opening the door I see five individuals standing at the door

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Replace the background to the driveway of The Aono family home

"Can I help you?" I ask the individuals in front of me

"Yeah are you the one called Jaune?" One of the individuals asks me

"I am but who are you five?" I respond

"I'm Cyborg over there with the green skin is beast boy the girl with green emissive eyes is Starfire the one with the dark hood is raven and the one in front is Robin" the machine person of the group says

"We are here at the request of Batman who said you needed someone to protect the nearby city while you are attending a school" Beastboy says

"Right well I'm thankful for your assistance with protecting the civilians nearby normally I would do it myself but I have to complete the task I was given by batman Superman and the flash" I say calmly

"Hey it's no worries man we got you just leave it to us" Beastboy says

I nod and inform my family that I'm going now

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