Chapter 5 Teasing the Betrayers and Aftermath of Arcadia

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Jaune's POV

The weekend is here and I am currently training at the bus stop with my pet Grimm Atlanta who is being petted by Moka and Kurumu who are watching me train

"Hey Jaune besides training do you have any other plans for the weekend?" Kurumu asks me

"Well I intend to travel to a place back home and do a little teasing to those who betrayed me" I say

"You were betrayed?!" Moka shouts

I nod and continue training

"But how will you get back home when the bus comes once a month?" Kurumu asks

"My motorcycle is exempt from that rule so I can freely go between worlds" I say

Meanwhile in remnant at Arcadia 3rd POV

Upon being dropped off  by the flash Nicholas wakes up and is immediately rushes to the castle of Arcadia where his family is waiting

"Nicholas! What happened we can't turn on anything the people are freaking out!" Jennifer shouts

"It's Ozpins fault!" Nicholas shouts

"How is it his fault dad?" Rogue asks

"Because Ozpin and his wife Salem are our founders!" Nicholas yells

"Wait you mean" saphron starts to say before Jennifer cuts her off

"That Ozpin and Salem are the founders of the Arcs..." Jennifer finishes for her daughter

"But how did they cut off the power of everything in Arcadia?" Blanche asks

"Ozpin used a override command code he and Salem made when they founded the Arcs which permanently turned off everything in Arcadia" Nicholas says shocking his family

"So we can't use anything ever again?!" Jennifer shouts upon realizing their fate

"Yes and it's all because of Jaune! Ozpin sided with that disgrace despite expelling him from his academy" Nicholas says annoyed

The arc family are shocked that Jaune still has support from the family

"But how did you get that bruise on your face dad?" Rogue asks

"Salem summoned an Ursa which punched me in the face knocking me out" Nicholas says

The arc family then begin to converse on what to do now

Back with Jaune (His POV)

Continuing my training I start doing some one stand push ups

"Hey Jaune I just wanna ask but what are you because before I learned of 'that' I noticed you smelled some how alluring" Kurumu asks me which I stop the push ups

"I'll tell you both but you have to make a promise to not ever reveal what I am to the others of the academy until I decide to" I say in a serious tone

Both girls look at each other and nod in agreement

"We promise not to tell anyone ever until you decide to" moka and Kurumu say to me

"Right so I am a human but more accurately a meta human the first meta human in existence" I say to the two

"What's a meta human?" Moka asks

"Tell me have you heard of the superhero Superman?" I ask

"He's the hero of whom is incredibly strong and has many overpowered abilities yeah every Yokai should know him why?" Kurumu asks

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