WHEN THE NEXT day came, everybody joined each other in the classroom with renewed energy. Their loss from the day before was put in the past, and they were ready to make the best out of today.

There was pizza, chicken, fries, and mountain loads of snacks. Despite not having an official club rule of having a diet plan, everybody was serious about basketball, so they personally had a strict diet plan.

Consider today their cheat day.

"God damn it, Itadori, you're eating all the pizza!" Nobara complained, blocking Itadori away from the pizzas, who was trying to push the girl away from him.

Shoko rolled her eyes, silently taking a slice for herself. "Thanks!" Satoru grinned, stealing the slice from her hand, taking a bite before she could say anything. "Asshole! That's mine!" She shoved his head.

It was chaos.

"Oh, shut up, both of you. I ordered more." The coach grumbled, placing down two more boxes of fresh pepperoni. "And, "He started, "I have an announcement!" He said, his voice reaching everybody in the room.

"As you all know, I'm retiring from coaching this year. I've hired a new coach. As for who, it's coach Yaga Masamichi."

There were shrieks of dread from the first and second years, Satoru and Geto side eyeing each other. Oh, they were fucked.

Coach Yaga was one of the most popular coaches because he meant business. Coach Yaga would definitely shape their team into the best team out there, but the only problem was his harsh training schedule. It was basically boot camp.

"What? Is he scary or something?" Nobara mumbled, seeing everyone's reaction. "He's the devil in disguise, I'm afraid." Nanami huffed, massaging between him temples.

"It's better than having Airi as a manager." Suguru whispered into the white male's ear, the two snickering to each other. "Who's Airi?" Megumi asked.

Gojo grinned. "Only the most dramatic pick me girl ever." His arms were up as if he were telling a scary story around a campfire. "She was a manager last year that quit." Geto continued.

Itadori ate his food like popcorn as he eagerly listened. "Remember when she lost those permission slips and didn't own up to it?" Shoko laughed, leaning her arm on Satoru's shoulder.

The three cringed at the memory. "She made manager cry." Satoru crossed his arms as the memory of you getting yelled at by the coach by taking the blame. "I always had a bad feeling about her." Suguru said.

Itadori pouted. "Sounds like a lot of drama." He flinched when you put a hand on the pink haired boy's shoulder, joining the conversation. "She was, but she's gone. Thank god." You muttered the last part.

"Let's get cleaned up, guys. Party's over." You tapped your watch. It was half past seven, and you had to close up by eight.

"Damn, already?" Suguru complained, shoving down the last of the food on his plate. Nobody wanted this moment to end. This blissful moment, full of nothing but fun and laughter.

After this, it was really the end. The third years would graduate from the club, and the fate of the club would be passed down to the next generation. It was a scary feeling.

Even so, obediently, everyone cleaned up the room.

The extra food went home with whoever wanted it, and the decorations would be stored for next year.

You locked up the classroom as everybody left. It was quiet, and the school was empty. You didn't want to leave. Not yet, you thought.

You hadn't realized how unready you were to let go.

You had time, so you headed to the gym, alone. You opened the loud, heavy doors and stood at the entrance.

You remember the first time you entered this gym. You were shorter, and more frail. Confidence wasn't in your spectrum, yet.

Your eyes glanced towards the storage room. That was where Satoru confessed to you.

You remembered very well. You were mad at him because he lied to you and went to the festival with Airi. Damn, that memory still pissed you off. He kissed you for the first time in that storage room.

You looked down at the steps behind you. Satoru comforted you on these steps when you took the blame for Airi losing the permission slips and had gotten yelled at. He gave you a handkerchief to wipe your tears.

You started to feel something towards him at that moment, you think.

You looked at the sinks further behind. He would endlessly follow you everywhere. He always insisted on helping you with your chores, like refilling the water bottles. He was desperate to talk to you. You laughed to yourself. He always tried so hard.

Behind the sinks were the vending machines. Now that you think about it, that was where Satoru first approached you. He complimented you, saying how he thoughts you were pretty. You shook the compliment off. If only you knew then he'd be your person.

There was a sigh that left your lips. When you came to the gym, you expected yourself to be filled with memories about the team and club activities, but they were only filled with Satoru.

You closed the doors behind you as you left. It was time for the next chapter of your life.

AS SEASONS CHANGED, in the blink of an eye, spring had come. March 9th, the day of your graduation. Cherry blossoms rained down around you as the wind carried them. The first and second years didn't have school today, but everybody came.

Nobara, Itadori, Megumi, Suguru, and Satoru. They came just to see you. You couldn't help but grin giddily when you saw them.

"You guys didn't have to come." You said as you joined them, standing next to Satoru. Nobara scoffed. "We couldn't let you graduate without saying goodbye." She had a duh expression.

You turned towards her, holding her shoulders. "Nobara, thank you for joining as the manager. I'm counting on you." You told her, shaking her lightly. Her face hardened in an instant. She was trying not to cry.

You turned towards the two other first years. "Don't tell anyone, but you guys were my favorite first years." You said in a low voice. The two smiled at this.

"She only meant me, by the way." Itadori whispered to Megumi, which resulted with an elbow to the stomach.

You turned to Shoko, but was attacked with a hug from her. "Manager!" She cried, burying her head in your shoulder. You smiled, embracing her. "Thanks for everything, Shoko." You looked up at Suguru, who had his hands in his pockets.

You held your arm out to him. "You, too." Shyly and hesitantly, he joined the hug. You and Suguru were always at a grey area.

You couldn't call him your friend, because he was more of an underclassman. But, both of you thought of Satoru in a precious way. He was special to both of you. You respected each other because both of you were special to the person you thought was special.

You backed away, joining Satoru at his side and taking his hand in yours. "I'll be busy at college, but I'll come to as many games as I can." You promised them.

"I won't be able to do my best if you don't show up, you know that." Satoru pouted, leaning against you. You rolled your eyes playfully. Shoko huffed. "What are we going to do without you? You're the only one he listened to." She rested her hands on her hips.

Suguru scrunched his nose, crossing his arms. "Yeah, tell me about it." Satoru snickered, punching his arm lightly.

You looked at Satoru, and it was the look he was all too familiar to. The one of warning. You squeezed his hand.

"Don't worry, I've got him on a leash."


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