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THANKFULLY, THE INJURY on your knee was nothing too serious, but you were still scolded by the nurse to be careful, which you sheepishly apologized. Satoru was next to you the whole time, hand gripping yours, even though you reassured him that you were fine.

"See? Not even a limp." You told him, walking next to him, hands intertwined with his as you swung them gently. He pouted. "Still..." He murmured. The second he saw you lying on the floor in pain, he decided he would never let you get hurt.

"And don't say anything to Airi. She already got in enough trouble." You warned him, earning a firm nod from him. Satoru didn't need to say anything to her, because he found out Suguru had said it for him.

Suguru was one of the kindest people he's ever met, and it was rare to see him saying something like that to anybody. Nonetheless, he was proud of his best friend for standing up for his girlfriend. Satoru told you about it, too.

He told you about how both Shoko and Suguru had your back, and you made a mental note to thank them, and apologize to Maki. She must've been shaken up. Luckily, the team was acting normal when you entered the gym the next day, and didn't treat you like you were fragile.

Some third years and second years asked if you were alright, but that was kind of it. Shoko, though, acted as if you had been in a major car accident and in the hospital for half a year because she hugged you tightly when she saw you.

"You're okay." She sighed out in relief, and you hugged her back sympathetically, rubbing your hand on her back. "Sorry to scare you like that." You laughed, and she had a frown on her face when you pulled away. "But seriously, I'm more than okay. Don't even worry about it."

She didn't seem fully satisfied, but nodded anyway. "And thank you for standing up for me. It really means a lot to me." You firmly placed your hand on her head, showing her a smile that said everything you couldn't form into words. A blush spread on her cheeks as she looked away shyly.

"Someone had to tell her off." She mumbled, forcing a laugh out of you, rubbing her head before walking away in a better mood. Your next stop was Maki.

"Morning, Maki." You called, and she whipped her head around, a smirk on her face. "Look who's awake!" She joked, and you rolled your eyes, lightly hitting her head, and she let out a hearted laugh, arms crossed.

"In all seriousness, I'm glad you're fine." You only knew Maki for a couple of days and you already felt as close as best friends. Her resting bitch face made you hesitant to talk to her at first, but when you got to know her, she turned out to be one of the nicest people you've gotten to know.

"By the way, I won the two on one yesterday." You nudged her, and she scowled. "Whatever you say." She rolled her eyes.

She waved to you when someone on her team called her over, and you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned around, your smile dropping slightly when you realize it was Airi. Her hand rubbed her arm awkwardly, biting the inside of her cheek.

"Can I talk to you outside, please?" She said quietly, the usual brass of her voice gone, speaking as quietly as a mouse. You let out a breath through your nose. "Sure." You knew she was going to apologize, but you had hell of a scolding for her.

You were tired of her shit.

Closing the gym doors behind you, you crossed yours arms, eyes piercing into her. There was silence for a few seconds, and she opened her mouth to speak, but you beat her to it.

"I don't want to hear it." She flinched visibly, but you didn't care. Your voice had a stern touch to it, as stone cold as your expression. She quickly shut her lips, knowing it was your turn to speak.

"And get that fucking pout off your lips." Surprised by your flip of attitude, she looked up at you with wide eyes. Her real feelings shone through when her eyebrows pinched together, a scowl showing for a split second.

"You need to stop, Airi." You said sternly, as a mother would do to her child, "I got in trouble for you, you've slammed a volleyball to my face, and now my knee? For what?" You spat, trying to keep your composure. You were the older (and more mature) one here, you had to act like it.

"Stand up. Stop coming at my throat over a man you can't have. It's pathetic." Airi grit her teeth. You said your words laced with pity, as if you pitied her for acting so desperate. She hated it. She hated you.

"If you joined this club for the sole purpose of getting Satoru to look at you, then quit. There's nothing left for you here."

Your words were as heavy as waves, crashing into her and drowning her one sentence to the next. You had never told her off like this.

In fact, you never really spoke your mind at all. All this time, you had let Airi do whatever to you, and she misinterpreted that as an invitation to do so. But oh, was she so wrong.

She hadn't realized how you had read her like an open book, and she hated how childish your maturity made her feel. Stand up, these words left an imprint in her mind.

Having said what your piece, you decided she had heard enough. Her lips parted open and close, searching for a smart ass comment to say back to you, but you spared her the embarrassment.

Leaving her behind, standing in the hallway, Airi found herself alone, again. She was always alone, with nobody on her side. Sure, she would have friends surrounding her at school and following her around, and boys who texted her but never having the bravery to talk to her at school—but she was always alone nonetheless.

She had no real friend, no one to lean on, no one to know her without her having to say the words.

She had no place in this club. She knew that now more than ever.

A/N Finally got rid of Airi 😒

QOTD: Your favorite Jujutsu Kaisen arc?

A: I will never get over the Hidden Inventory arc

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