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USUALLY, GOJO WOULD never get to walk you home because you would go home quickly after practice. The reason was easy—you had to pick up your cousin and take him home. You had a cousin that was 7, and just started the first grade of elementary school. Because your aunt was a single mother and also working, she wouldn't have time to pick him up before the after school daycare closed.

Your house was close to your aunt's, so you brought him home with you and stayed there until she came home. But, today, Gojo was able to catch you just before you started your trip to the day care. You were running a bit late because you had to teach the two new managers.

Airi walked out of the club room, hoping to catch Gojo before he went home. She had her own plans, too. "Gojo!" She called as she saw the white haired male jogging somewhere. He stopped abruptly when he heard someone calling him, spinning his head around and seeing her. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. What was her name again?

"It's getting dark, and I don't want to walk home alone, but I saw you, so..." She said quietly, swaying from side to side and she looked up at him with her big eyes, batting her eyelashes. Gojo nibbled on his lower lip with his canines, feeling awkward. He could tell what she was asking him to do.

He also understood that it would be rude to say no. He knew that he should never let a girl walk home alone—it was rammed into his head by his mother. "Oh, um." He looked around, tapping his fingers against his slacks. Airi internally rolled her eyes at his hesitation. Who the hell would hesitate to take her home?

You were passing by, glancing at the sight of Airi and Gojo. "Bye, guys. See you tomorrow." You waved at them, ready to go to the daycare. Gojo saw you, and panicked a bit. Fuck it, he thought. "Sorry, bye!" He waved, running towards you and leaving Airi standing there. She watched him jog towards you, bewildered.

That was the first time she's been rejected. She grit her teeth as she glared at the sight of you and Gojo, walking side by side. You were like a magnet, constantly pulling his gaze from her to yourself.

"Wait up!" Gojo smiled, catching up to you. You raised an eyebrow in question. "What's wrong?" You asked. You were purely wondering if he had forgotten to tell you something important. "Can I walk you home?" He asked, a nervous smile on his face.

You smiled at the offer. It was strange. Day by day, Gojo seemed to be getting cuter. He always wanted to be by your side. You opened your mouth to say yes, but hesitated as you remembered the scene from earlier. You looked over Gojo's shoulder and saw Airi standing there, looking at the two of you with a frown.

"Thanks, but I have somewhere to go. Plus, shouldn't you walk her home?" You asked, discreetly pointing at the first year girl. Gojo turned around, glancing at Airi, before pouring and looking at you. "Well, yeah, but..." He trailed off, fiddling with his fingers.

You felt bad for him. You sighed, slinging your bag in front of you and opening it, ruffling through it as you looked for something. You were sure there were handmade cookies you made earlier that day during home economics class.

You sighed in relief as you found it, seeing as the cookies were intact. "Here. Forgive me?" You asked, smiling sheepishly. He took the bag of cookies, eyebrows rising. "These..." He mumbled, scanning them.

"They're handmade, just the way you like them." You were glad that you conveniently had home economics class that day. His frown was instantly wiped from his face, a big smile slapping itself on it instead.

You laughed a bit as you saw his behavior change, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear. "You look better when you're smiling, Satoru." You told him, even though you were the cause of his frown in the first place.

A blush spread through his cheeks, scratching his nose in an attempt to hide it. "I'll see you tomorrow." You waved as you turned to leave, and this time, he watched you with a grin. "Bye!"

As you walked away, your smile softened, remembering the image of Satoru and Airi standing together. You remember the slight blush on Airi's cheeks, and the way her hands nervously clutched onto the strap of her bag as she spoke to him.

Satoru probably likes people like her.

You blinked in surprise when the thought popped into your mind. You sighed, your shoulders dropping. Maybe, just maybe, you were feeling a bit jealous.

Gojo walked back to Airi, the bag of cookies being held in his hands. "Never mind, I can walk you home." He said, shrugging his shoulders as if he didn't really care wether he did or didn't. Airi smiled. "Great."

As the two walked, there was an awkward silence. Well, awkward for Airi. Gojo was too busy marveling at the cookies. "Are those from Kawashima?" She asked, referring to you. Gojo raised an eyebrow, before nodding. "Yup. They're homemade." He showed off, displaying them to her.

"Hmm. Do you like homemade things?" If he said yes, this would give her an idea. Homemade things are the key to a man's heart—she's read that in many shojo mangas. She's experienced them, as well.

"Well, if she made it, then yeah." The truth was, Gojo didn't really care if something was homemade or not. But, the thought of you working hard and making something sweet made him blush. "Oh."

Airi wanted to gag. Gojo brought you up every single sentence. You had to be both blind and deaf to not know that Gojo was obsessed with you. Airi let out a breath of frustration through her nose.

This was going to be harder than expected.

qotd: what's your favorite shojo manga?


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