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"SUGURU! DO SOMETHING, I'm bored." Gojo groaned as he stretched. It was three days into the week of the sports festival, which meant that classes were canceled and so were club activities.

He had seen you only a little bit, seeing you occasionally walking the halls, but he hadn't been able to speak to you since last week. "Well, you could practice." Geto replied, dribbling his basketball.

They were currently in the gym, his class being given time to practice for the sports festival. Gojo rolled his eyes. "What's the point of practicing at something I'm already good at? It's not like we're going against actual players." He huffed, laying on the floor.

Geto shook his head at his best friend's usual behavior, ignoring it. Gojo had also not been able to walk you home, because you went home at different times. Gojo usually went straight home after school, but you had stayed back to practice volleyball, which is what you were going to do for the sports match.

You had secretly missed Gojo, but you felt like you shouldn't distract him. You knew how he would never focus on his tasks if you were around. You saw this most during basketball practice.

If you were to just walk up to him and tell him you wanted to see him, he would definitely drop all his things and put a hundred percent of his focus on you. You liked that part about him, and you thought it was cute.

But still, you just didn't want to distract him. You weren't avoiding him, though. If he saw you in the hallways, you would always smile and send a wave.

However, what you didn't know was that not seeing you was making him even more distracted. You were always on his mind. He was constantly wondering what you were doing, what you ate that day, or if you were thinking about him as much as he had been thinking about you.

He didn't have any way to text you, and he had no time to talk to you because you always seemed busy. Plus, it was kind of cute just watching how hard you were practicing for the sports festival.

"Ah." Geto let out a sound for surprise as he looked at the entrance of the gym. Thinking it was you, Gojo's head whipped towards that direction, but grunted when he found out it was only Airi.

She immediately locked eyes with Gojo, grinning and waving excitedly. Gojo ignored her, turning his head the other direction, earning a snicker from Geto. Airi, blushing from embarrassment, huffed and walked away.

"Bet you wished it was manager." Geto teased, expecting a fist to the gut or a smart ass reply. Though, the black haired male was surprised to only hear a frustrated huff, Gojo slumping his shoulders. "Yeah." He replied.

After school, you were planning on staying behind and practicing volleyball as always, but decided to go home. To be honest, you were exhausted, and just wanted to go home and rest. I wonder if I'll see Satoru, you couldn't help but wonder as you exited the school.

Your eyes widened in surprise, a strange, giddy feeling blooming in your chest as you saw the backs of two familiar juniors—Geto and Gojo. Before you could even realize, you were calling out to him. "Satoru!"

Gojo stopped in his tracks, immediately recognizing your voice. He spun around, a smile already displayed as he saw you. Shit, I called to him without even thinking, you thought, thinking about how you must've interfered him and Suguru.

You watched as Geto said something to the taller male, the two waving at each other before Gojo started running towards you. You rose an eyebrow. Did Geto just leave?

Wait, this meant that Gojo would walk you home.

A blush bloomed on your cheeks as he finally approached you, a big grin on his lips. "Hi, Satoru."

God, he loved it when you greeted him. You always had the same soft, loving tone in your voice whenever you said his name. Hi, Satoru. He could hear those words on repeat for days.

"Did you need something?" He asked, tilting his head to the side. Your shoulders stiffened. Right, you were his senior, and you never really called him unless you needed something. It was always him chasing after you and bothering you without reason—it was always just to talk to you.

Since when had the roles reversed?

You looked down at your hands, cheeks tinted red. "I didn't... I just wanted to see you." You sheepishly admitted. Gojo felt cupid pierce a arrow through his heart at that moment. Every time he thought that there was no way you could be any cuter, you proved him wrong.

Other than that, he was overjoyed. You just wanted to see him. He felt a wave of relief, knowing that you had missed him too.

"Well, I'm here now." He said softly, gently taking your hand in his, just smiling down at you. You nodded, feeling awkward and shy all of the sudden. He made you so conscious of everything. Was this what it felt like to have a crush on somebody?

"If you wanted to see me, why didn't you just come find me?" Gojo was genuinely curious. It was never hard to find him. You bit your lip. What were you supposed to tell him? Sorry, but you're obsessed with me, so you wouldn't be able to focus. Yeah, right.

He caressed the back of your hand with his thumb, something he did whenever he held your hand. You just now realized how much he liked holding your hand. The movements of his thumb were engraved into your brain. It really did comfort you.

"I didn't want to be a distraction. Me being there would've only been a nuisance." You shrugged, looking at his pearl eyes. He furrowed his eyebrows. Ah, this again. His expression was the same one as when he called you stupid in the restaurant.

You said something wrong. Why would you ever think that? His face read.

"I haven't been able to focus because you weren't there." You eyes widened at this, surprised. What? He really hasn't been able to focus? You weren't sure what he meant.

He let out a small huff. "The reason I can practice so hard is because you're there watching me, manager."

A/N writing this fanfic became 10x harder after the recent jjk chapter

qotd: where were you born?

a: I was born Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. I currently live in Japan though #militarychildrenpleasecomment

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