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WHEN YOU ARRIVED at the gym, the two teams were already having a practice match. Your mouth subconsciously parted open in awe as you watched Gojo. Up until now, you've only seen him practice with his teammates, so he wasn't giving it his all.

But now, he was like a total different person. Quick, powerful, and intimidating. You heard the rumors of Gojo. "Six Eyes", his nickname was. He was so good at reading the court that it felt like he had three eyes on his face and three on the back of his head.

Suguru was just as intimating, but in a different way. Hate, it was burned into his eyes. He, for the first time, scared you. Geto had always been neutral to you. He didn't particularly stand out, and he was a good kid.

He wasn't loud and bratty, and was rather kind and respectful. He always came to practice on time, and always did as told. He was amazing at basketball, but in your opinion, he wasn't naturally talented like Gojo.

It seemed like he practiced hard to acquire the skills he had, and it made you respect him even more. But now, playing on the court, there was some type of dark, suffocating aura about him.

You saw Nanami Kento on the court as well. The way he played was very textbook basketball. He didn't use any crazy moves or trick his opponents, and he looked like an example. Yet, even so, nobody could take the ball from him.

He always looked like he had opening, but he was so perfect at basketball that he was basically unmatched. You looked at the players on the opposing team.

Inumaki Toge immediately stood out to you. He was light on his feet, and he was the most quiet. Still, when he occasionally shouted orders, it sent a chill down everybody's spine. The pressure his words carried was insane—your body moved without thinking.

Panda was next, and you decided you never wanted him to be on your opposing team, even if it was just a game in P.E. Physically, he couldn't be beat.

The third person you noticed was... who was he? The tips of his hair were black, and the rest was a platinum blonde color. The first thing you noticed about him was the glare he was giving Gojo. Jealousy.

While watching him play, you noticed how he was always trying to one-up Gojo, always defending him and always watching him. Sure, Gojo was the best player standing on the court, but Suguru and Nanami came close. You wondered if there was personal beef.

Just as you thought this, the whistle rung—a break. It wasn't a timeout, since they weren't doing a proper game. Gojo's head spun around, eyeing around the gym, before finding you, like a compass needle to a magnet. He smiled, his "game face" melting off as he jogged towards you.

Already, you had his water bottle and towel in hand. "Hi." He smiled, properly as he always did so. He couldn't start a conversation with you without greeting you first. "Hi, Satoru. So? How is it?" You asked, handing him his things.

He took few sips from his water bottle, before ruffling his hair with the towel. "Tough. But it's fun, playing against strong people." He grinned. You smiled for him. "I was wondering," you started. He raised an eyebrow for you to continue, "Do you know that guy?"

You pointed your finger towards the male that was previously personally going against Gojo a few minutes ago. Now, he started at the two of you, and when Gojo turned his head to look, the boy turned his head quickly. "Oh. Uh, no." He said slowly.

You tilted your head, huffing. "I don't think he likes me, though." Your boyfriend continued. You pointed your finger towards him, eyes wide. "Right? I thought so too! I wonder who that is." You murmured.

"That's Zenin Naoya." A round voice interrupted. You both turned your heads, and your lips parted. Panda. "Hi, I'm Panda." He introduced, and you couldn't help but smile. Cute.

Next to him stood Toge, quiet, but polite enough to bow. "Hi, I'm the manager of this club." You introduced, bowing your head back. He nodded. Gojo opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted. "You're Gojo Satoru." We know who you are.

"Yeah." Gojo confirmed, tapping his finger against his side. Awkward, he wanted to sing. You cleared your throat. "Who's Zenin Naoya?" You asked. Panda let out a huff, while Toge scrunched up his face. That wasn't a good sign.

"He's pretty good at basketball, but I'm pretty sure the reason he's not benched is because his family's stupid rich. I mean, you saw the way he plays! He doesn't stand out." Panda complained, crossing his arms. Toge hummed and nodded along, agreeing to his friend's words.

"He's related to our manager. They're cousins, I think." He continued, then pointing to the said manager. The girl was a second year, so you knew her. You had seen her last year. Her hair was green, and tired in a ponytail. She wore bayonetta glasses, face serious as a stone.

"Well, isn't she just a ball of sunshine?" Gojo joked sarcastically, earning a punch to the arm from you. "That's Maki for you." Panda replied.

The large boy then turned to the both of you, cupping his hand. "I heard he hates her." You nodded slowly. Gojo looked to the side. He didn't care. None of that mattered. When playing basketball, it was all his teammates in middle school would talk about.

He hates her, she likes him, she confessed to him, he rejected her. It was all gossip that played no role in basketball. Who cares? You noticed his shift in attitude and tried to change the conversation.

"Is there a reason he's alone?" You asked, noticing how nobody was approaching him. "He's disliked. You'll see for yourself, soon enough." And without another word, he left. Inumaki bowed his head a bit, before jogging to catch up to Panda.

"We'll see soon enough?" You repeated, making eye contact with Gojo, eyes full of concern.

What the hell did he mean by that?

A/N Sorry guys I know it's been a while. Zenin Naoya is here to stir up some trouble!!

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