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Satoru knew he fucked up big time. When he saw you at the festival, he could see your heart breaking. He knew he had no excuse. It's a misunderstanding, he wanted to say, but it wasn't. It was a lie.

When he saw you the next day for weekend practice, he entered the gym. His eyes immediately found you, and out of habit, he took a step towards you. You glanced at him, and quickly looked away. His heart throbbed in his chest.

You didn't greet him with that same, sweet smile like you always did—instead, you stared hard at your clipboard as if it was the most important thing in the world. "Damn, what happened?" Geto murmured as he approached Satoru, a hand on his shoulder.

Satoru let out a groan, dragging his palms across his face. "I really messed up, Suguru." He said in a quiet voice. Geto furrowed his eyebrows. There was a beat of silence, before Geto walked around and faced him. "What'd you do, Satoru?" He said in a tone. Not a concerning one, but one with warning.

The tension between you and Satoru didn't go unnoticed. Airi was beaming. She didn't expect you to find out about her and Gojo's date. She wasn't the happiest, because Gojo had rejected her the day before, officially.

During the fireworks, she had told him bluntly that she liked him, and she wanted him to be her boyfriend. She said it in a way that seemed like she was buying him, like an object. "No. I like someone else. You know that." He answered, rather frustrated.

She quirked an eyebrow. "Then why'd you come to the festival with me?" She asked. She knew the answer—he was bad at saying no. He crossed his arms. "Because I may not like you, but I'm not an asshole."

Airi wasn't heartbroken, she was more offended, and felt defeated. She was expecting to go to practice the next day to see you with a smirk on your face that screamed I win, but instead, she saw you with furrowed eyebrows and a confused expression.

Not confused as in clueless, confused as in betrayed. "Are you alright, manager?" Shoko asked hesitantly, her voice soft. She was careful when asking the question. I mean, you looked like you were on the brink of tears.

Instead, you looked up at her, a small smile to offer. "Just tired." You hummed. She nodded, not wanting to press salt to the wound. Airi smirked.

"Manager." The three of you jumped upon hearing the deep voice, but only Shoko and Airi turned to face who it was. You knew who the voice belonged to. You had it memorized, from the way his words slipped off his tongue to the tone he called you in.

You sat rigid, staring forward. You didn't want to turn around.

"What, Gojo? You better warm up." Ah. There was a suffocating atmosphere, and anybody could tell you were angry. Satoru frowned. He didn't dismiss the way you called him by his last name.

"Come on, Airi." Shoko urged. As much as Airi wanted to stay and watch the drama, Shoko grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards the storage room. "Would you please look at me?" He begged, leaning down to your height to try and get eye contact.

Instead, you rolled your eyes and sighed as you stood up, dropping your clipboard on the table. Without saying anything, you stepped away, fully intending to just leave the situation. You were scared. Scared of confrontation, and confirmation.

You didn't want to know what he was doing with Airi. You didn't want to know why he went with her, why he lied with you, and if he even liked you. You didn't want to know if everything was a lie.

Before you could escape, he grabbed your wrist, pulling you towards him with force. You stumbled on your feet, turning to face him. "Please, just hear me out." You stayed quiet, burning holes into the ground with your eyes. You were afraid that your voice would shake if you spoke.

So, you nodded. Just get it over with.

He let out a small sigh of relief, before looking around. He led you over to the storage room on the other side of the gym that was empty. He closed the doors behind you, the storage room dark. The only source of light was the sunlight peeking in from the barred windows.

He opened his mouth to speak, but you cut him off before he could even start. "You lied to me." The anger had fled from your words, and he could now hear how heartbroken you sounded. His words died on his tongue. "I did." He whispered, words laced with guilt.

There was silence between you. It was your turn to speak, he understood that. Anything he said next would only sound like an excuse. Why? He had expected you to ask, but that wasn't important to you. There was only one question roaming your mind.

You had asked him if he liked Airi before, and he had called you stupid for it. So, you decided to rephrase it this time. "Do you like me, Satoru?" There was a wave of relief in him when you called him by his first name.

The question was so out of the blue that he tensed. Still, there was no hesitation in his answer. "A lot." He breathed out, but it only made you frown more. You shook your head. "I don't get it." He knew what you meant.

How could he like you but then lie to your face about going on a date with another girl? He wished he could turn back time. "I told her no. She asked me out and I said no. I told her I don't like her, I like you. I like you a lot. She asked me before you did and I was too much of a pussy to say no. I know I should've just said the truth but I'm- I'm an idiot and-" He blabbered, like a dam that had broken.

He cut himself off, looking at you. That wasn't what you wanted to hear, and he knew that. He let out a breath through his nose, taking your hands in his. "I'm sorry. I won't lie to you again. Ever." He told you, words both soft but stern.

"Forgive me? Please?" He begged, leaning down to try and catch your eyes that had been avoiding his. Finally, you looked at him. His heart was filled in an instant, and he looked at you with pleading eyes.

There was a different kind of tension in the air. His eyes looked at you—looked into you. He felt entranced, as if something was pulling him closer to you. His grips on your hands tightened. "So," you started, a small grin easing up on your lips. "You like me?"

His eyes glanced from your eyes to your lips. "I'm obsessed with you." He whispered, before pressing a soft but long awaited kiss on your lips. His eyebrows were furrowed, every feeling exploding inside of his chest.

Unspoken words were poured into the kiss. Every secret glance, every blooming blush, and every teasing word—all released in that moment. You felt his bangs brush against your forehead, his nose sliding against yours.

He pressed deeper, readjusting his head. A hand let go of yours, coming up and holding alongside your jaw and fingers curling behind your neck. He was instantly hooked on your lips, and how soft and plump they were. He loved the way you took small breaths between every kiss, and how your hands were trembling with excitement.

He pulled away, and as if changing his mind, he pressed a last, quick peck to your lips before finally backing away. He smiled down at you with a big, idiot smile, and you only looked up at him, face flustered and all.

"Can I be yours? Please?" He asked, heart thumping against his chest. You knew what he meant. Be mine, you liked the idea of that. You nodded giddily. "Of course."


QOTD: a manga you want to see animated?

A: From the Red Fog. LOVE the art style sm

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