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A/N HEY Y'ALL!!! Testing week is finally over so here comes the regular updates ;)

THE SPORTS FESTIVAL came to an end, and just as you thought it was time to rest, you remembered that the training camp with Kyoto Jujutsu High School was coming up soon. Summer break was only in a week, and the very next day after summer break started was the day you and the rest of the team would fly over to Kyoto.

It wasn't your first time in Kyoto, so you weren't as excited as the first year managers. Shoko tried to hide it, but you could tell she was dying to go to Kyoto. Airi wasn't afraid to show her excitement.

You had to remind her various times that it was a training camp and not a vacation. Gojo was thrilled too, but not because of Kyoto, but because of you. The training camp meant two weeks of spending every minutes of his time with you.

With that thought in mind, he hummed as he walked into the gym, Geto trailing after him. "Did you go through the pamphlet?" Geto asked, chopping the top of the white haired male's head with the rolled up pamphlet.

"What pamphlet?" He asked, causing the shorter male to roll his eyes. "The information about Kyoto's team, dumbass." He whispered the last part.

"Apparently, the first years over there are strong, too. Remember Inumaki Toge? We played against him in middle school." Gojo froze upon hearing that name, before groaning in irritation.

Inumaki Toge was hard not to remember. He had platinum blond hair, was shorter than Gojo, and was very quiet. Even though the boy barely talked, his eyes were so scary when playing basketball that you could almost hear him saying "don't move" whenever making eye contact.

Gojo was a victim to Toge, remembering how he froze up upon making eye contact with the quiet boy. Damn, was it annoying.

"There's this huge dude, too. He just about our height, but he's jacked." Geto explained. "They call him Panda because he's nice and bubbly but big and buff."  Gojo couldn't help but let out a laugh.

"Panda? What is that, a call sign?" Geto shrugged, continuing to read the pamphlet. "What would my call sign be? Maybe something like Six Eyes, or-" He couldn't finish his sentence because Geto landed a fist on the top of his fist, again.

"That doesn't even make sense. Your call sign would be idiot, idiot. Now let's warm up." Gojo murmured under his breath, watching as his best friend walked away. "Hey, Satoru." The scowl on his face disappeared in the speed of light upon hearing the familiar, angelic voice.

"Manager!" He grinned brightly, spinning around to face you. You subconsciously reflected his smile. There was something about someone being this happy to see you that made you warm inside.

"Here." You passed him his uniform that you had washed. It was a job for the managers to wash the team's uniforms at the school's laundry space after a game. There was a practice game with a school nearby over the weekend after he sports festival. Your team had won easily.

Still, the uniform was just an excuse to talk to him. "Thanks." He blushed. Ever since you told him about how you "admired" him, he's been shyer than usual. He blushed more often and couldn't make eye contact. "Manager!"

You both turned your heads towards the voice, and Gojo rolled his eyes when it was Airi. Of course, it was her. She always interrupted.

"Yeah?" You answered. Internally, you were feeling the same way as Gojo. "Shoko's asking for help about something in the storage room." She said, bouncing of her heels. "Oh. Okay." If you listened closely, you could hear the disappointment in your tone.

You turned to leave, when Gojo stopped you by grabbing your wrist. "Wait! Um," He started, quickly letting go as his face bursted into a crimson color. You raised an eyebrow to signal him to continue. "Can I walk you home, today?" He asked. You laughed. He looked so nervous, you thought he might ask you to marry you.

"Yeah, of course." You sent a small wave before jogging the storage room, leaning Gojo standing awkwardly with Airi. "Oh, um, hey, Satoru?" Gojo's eyes widened in surprise, hearing Airi call him by his first name.

"Oh, sorry. Did you want me to call you Gojo?" She pouted. This was her discreet way of asking him if she could close their distance just a little further.

"Oh, uh, I don't care." He shrugged, looking at the floor, hands in his pockets. Geto, who was watching from far away, couldn't help but snicker. Gojo has a problem of being too filterless. The difference in his attitude between when he was talking with you and when he's talking with Airi is too different.

"Great. Anyway, there's this firework festival this Friday, I was wondering if we could go together." She asked, a smile on her face and her eyes wide. Airi was a girl who had never been rejected in her life.

Something Airi found out about Gojo is that Gojo was too kind. Sure, he was filterless and didn't really care about people's feelings, but he was a person who was scared to say no.

This was taking too long, and Airi wasn't a woman with patience. Whatever it takes, she'll make him hers.

Gojo didn't know there was a firework festival—it was the first time hearing about it. If he had known sooner, he would've definitely asked you as soon as he found out.

Airi noticed Gojo's hesitance, and huffed. "Oh, come on, you won't even walk me home!" She half joked, letting out a giggle. She was just making it harder for him to reject her. He let out a small breath.



Meanwhile, you had entered the storage room, greeting Shoko. "Hey, Shoko. You need help?" You asked, seeing her struggling with the cart full of basketballs. She smiled brightly when she saw you. "Oh, thank you." She blushed.

You couldn't blame her, the cart was heavy, old, and rusty, so it was hard to actually use. "You look like you're in a good mood." You teased, seeing the girl who usually looked like she desperately needed a coffee actually smiling.

"I got asked to go to the firework festival this Friday." She told you, a small blush on her face. You raised your eyebrows in surprise. "There's a firework festival?" You asked, tilting your head to the side. "Yeah, at Jogo Beach. There's going to be food stands and everything." She beamed.

You hummed, nodding your head slowly. An idea popped in your head, and you were already excited. You were planning to ask Gojo to go with you—and to confess.

A/N It's been a hot minute yall. Here's your juicy chapter

QOTD: what type of fanfiction do you like to read?

a: I recently read one shots more than actually fanfictions. I'd say I don't read scenarios/headcannons the most

𝐎𝐍 𝐀 𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐇 gojo satoru ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang