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GOJO WATCHED YOU as you nervously walked up to the coach. He could see the way that you had a slight frown on your face, and looked anxious. Geto noticed too. "What's wrong with her?" The black haired male questioned, dribbling his ball.

It was the same question that Gojo was asking. He watched as your slowly approached the coach, getting his attention. The bald man turned to you with his arms crossed. Your mouth opened and said some intelligible words that he couldn't hear because of the sounds of his teammates calling to each other and the echoes of balls and shoes.

After you finished whatever you said, you bowed. Gojo quirked an eyebrow. Were you apologizing? For what?

"I'm sorry, I must've misheard you. You lost the permission slips?" The coach scoffed. You kept your eyes locked onto the floor in shame, even though it really wasn't your doing. "Yes, sir." You said quietly.

There was an uncomfortable feeling in your stomach, every ounce of you wanted to dig a hole and bury yourself in it. If there was one thing you hated, it was getting in trouble.

You hated screwing up and causing trouble for other people. You hated raised voices, and the disappointment in their tone when they yelled at you.

"How do you lose an entire file? Do you know how important those slips are?" The coach yelled at you, pointing his finger as he spoke to you. You nervously played with your fingers as you frowned. You couldn't answer him.

"What the hell are you going to do? I have to submit those permission slips to the principal by tomorrow night!" You breathing started to get heavier, a bulge forming in your throat.

Oh no, you thought. You closed your eyes. Don't cry don't cry don't cry don't cry don't cry.

"You better find those damn slips or you're owing everyone an apology because we're not going to Kyoto without them." He spat. You bowed, tears welling your eyes. You felt so humiliated, feeling the stares of some teammates. "Excuse me." You whispered, afraid of your voice cracking. With your head hung low, you quickly exited the gym.

As you exited the gym, you let out a deep breath. You quite literally wanted to die. You hated getting yelled at.

You closed the gym doors behind you, squatting on the floor with your knees tucked to your chest. You buried your face into your palms, taking deep breaths in an attempt to stop yourself from crying.

Tears wouldn't stop flooding from your eyes. Ugh, this is so embarrassing, you thought as you wiped your tears. "Manager?" You heard a soft voice behind you. You flinched, eyes wide as you turned around.

Gojo saw your face. He saw your wet cheeks and red nose, and he frowned. You immediately turned back around, letting out a small laugh. "Sorry. Just give me a minute." You said. Gojo noticed your shaky voice.

There were so many things he wanted to say. Are you alright? What happened? Don't worry about it. But all of these things seemed like empty words. So, quietly, he walked around to face you, and squatted down to your level.

Thank god my mom's annoying about carrying a handkerchief, he silently prayed, taking the cloth out of his pocket. He gently grabbed your hands that were still trying to dry your tears, and brought them down.

He patted your cheeks softly with the cloth, his free hand holding one of your hands and caressing the back of it with his thumb.

You finally looked Gojo in the eyes, and he sent you a smile. A smile that was kind, and made you forget about the embarrassing scolding that you had just gotten. You stifled out a small, weak laugh.

Your tears stopped, and you sniffled as you wiped the last of your tears. "You have really long eyelashes." Gojo suddenly commented, in an attempt to lighten the mood. He brushed his thumb against your eyelashes, your eyes fluttering shut.

You laughed at the sudden praise. He handed you his handkerchief, and you patted your cheeks, before looking at it. "Thanks, Satoru." You cleared your throat as you said so. He was still holding your hands, caressing it with his thumb.

His hands are large, and rough. Probably from playing basketball so much, you absentmindedly thought. "I feel like I'm always in your debt. If you're free today, I want to treat you." You shyly suggested. Gojo's eyebrows rose as this.

You were asking him on a date? Well, it was barely one, because you were probably only asking because he helped you out. "I'm free!" He exclaimed a bit too excitedly. He cleared his throat. "I'm free. But, I'll pay." You laughed.

"There wouldn't be any point if you're paying." You giggled, covering your mouth. Ah, she's so cute, Gojo thought. "There would be a point, because you're going on a date with me without a cause." He counterpointed.

He was assuming that you would never go on a date with him unless you owed him it, so now that he's paying, you were just going "against your will", if you must.

"But I want to go on a date with you." You said matter-of-factly. Gojo eyes widened, his face blooming red. "You do?" He quietly asked. You nodded.

Maybe, just maybe, you were starting to like Gojo Satoru back.

qotd: your favorite art style?

a: I'm obsessed with Toilet Bound Hanako-kun's art style

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