"Call a doctor." I say as Zara slips past me. Rosie and Julian run out and I struggle to leave Zara alone for a second. Zara had tears running down her face as she ran to her brother. "Zara..." Zade says as she held on to him. He shuts his eyes as Zara quietly sobbed. I watched a tear fall out his eye silently. "I fucked up, I fucked up real bad Zara. Im so sorry." He says to her.

The doctors came in and I hold on to Zara getting her out the room.

"Let them check him out." I tell her and she just nods.

"Oh my God; it was so freaky." Rosie says. "Me and Julian were talking about how we could bet you guys were definitely fucking in the bathroom and I swear that woke your brother up."

"Great." I tell them and Zara smacks my chest making me laugh.

The doctor comes out and I look at him.

"Hi Zara... good news. Your brothers gained consciousness as you have seen." He says. "Were doing further tests and will be able to see his recovery from there. But its looking good and were not seeing any long term damage. He will be in recovery for weeks."

"Thank you sooooo much." Zara says as she smiled.

"Sorry guys... dont miss your dinner okay?" She says.

"Okay, go see your brother." Rosie says and Zara nods. "Tell him we said sorry... or youre welcome?" Zara just laughs as she hugs Rosie. "Im glad it worked out Zara." Julian says as he hugged her as well. "Go with them, I will be fine." She says and I look at her. "Please?"

"Okay." I nod a little. She kisses my lips pulling me down by my shirt. "I love you." She says as she kisses me again before letting go. I leave with my friends worried about Zara mostly. I knew he was hardly a threat right now but she balanced her whole happiness in his hands.

We head to the restaurant and find Roman and Kai. I have been hanging out a lot with Rosie as Julian, Kai and Roman were all busy studying and had their finals as the school year was ending and summer was starting soon. Kai and Roman were both training constantly and had games every few days it seemed. They were so close to taking the Championship this year. Julian was a Junior in College and the other two were Sophomores. All three attend Colombia University.

"Whats up?" I ask the two who were drinking water.

"We have the biggest game tomorrow... if we win were going to be in the finals." Roman says.

"When we win, we will be in the finals." Kai says making Roman laugh. "Confident." I say.

"I kind of chose this restaurant to compromise for Zara so she could be close to the hospital." Rosie says as she picked up a napkin screwing her face.

"Yeah, that makes sense." Kai says and I chuckle. "It looks like a nice place?"

"Do we still have to be here? The menu is plastic." Rosie carries on as Julian was reading it.

"Hows Zara?" Roman asks

"You not like her best friend or something? Ask her yourself." I say and he chuckles. "Oh moody, your girlfriend giving hospital nurses more attention than you bothering you?" He pouts.

"Zade woke up." Rosie tells him.

"Yep." Julian says. "Ive told Zara what I could find out from the girlfriends arrest. They seemed to have had a fight about something and she was under crazy levels of cocaine and heroin. Zade blood had come back looking like has stopped taking drugs the last few weeks."

"He's probably not going to testify against her. She will get some form of sentence for a bit of time because the state will prosecute." Julian says as our food arrived.

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