Chapter Four

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                To Hades and Nik's surprise, Marcel and Apollo got into quick conversation. "He definitely saw something," Hades said with a sigh.

"Why won't he say?" Nik asked. Hades motioned her to the side where they were further away from the vampire and sun god.

"He's in a sense been seen as outcast like me," Hades started to say.

"Why?" Nik asked with furrowed eyebrows. Apollo had probably been one of the nicest people she's ever come across.

"Did you see when his eyes turned gold?" Hades asked.

Nik nods.

"Do you know the story of my father and what he did to us?" he asked.

"He really ate you?" Nik asked in surprise.

"Unfortunately," Hades grumbled.

"Wonder what's worse, being eaten alive or getting a sword through your heart?" Nik questioned.

"Neither are really that good."

"You would be right," Nik nodded, "Go on. What's wrong with sunny?"

"Our father had gold eyes," was all Hades had to say for Nik to roll her eyes and say, "Your relatives are idiots, why would they judge someone just because he inherited the cannibal's eye color?"

"Well, your explanation said it all, but then it was also when his domains were announced," Hades went on. Nik motioned for him to continue, "He had gotten the ability of prophecy which would be why he knew I needed Nico and Bianca and about your stepfather. That's also an ability of time..." he trailed off seeing Nik getting angry again, "Then he got the ability of the plague and they considered him a death god as he could also kill with the sun."

"The Black Plague?" Nik questioned.

"He had gotten pushed too much because he gets ignored. He ignores his plague ability because he got punished for unleashing that plague but it was the others' fault in the first place. Only one two brothers of his noticed and that was Ares and Dionysus. Ares had noticed he wasn't acting normal and Dionysus sensed his instability. After the plague got released it was chaos in the Underworld, in all of the versions of the afterlife and the other gods the control the dead were coming to me about Apollo and I didn't know what happened until Ares came to me and explained what he and Dionysus had noticed. So I had given Apollo the ability to enter the Underworld and he got to practice his plague domain there and the death gods all forgave him knowing he had a lot of domains to manage and its not exactly a good one to have," Hades explained.

"What about his other siblings? Isn't he a twin?" Nik asked in concern.

"That's the thing. Ares noticed but Apollo and he never really interacted with each other until then. Hephaestus is always in workshop, but from what I've been told, even he began to notice something was up. Hermes does notice but he's always needing to go somewhere else so he can't really stay with him. Dionysus doesn't really know what to do without making him worse or getting him drunk. Aphrodite doesn't notice unless he's heartbroken again. My brother Poseidon seems to have noticed but hasn't done anything. Zeus of course hasn't noticed. Hera is usually too busy arguing with Zeus. Artemis is a man hater and that includes her own twin so he gets threatened with arrows when he wants to visit her. Athena has her head to far up her ass to notice that the God of Prophecy is also the God of Knowledge and would be able to interpret the prophecies he speaks better than the Goddess of Wisdom could," Hades ranted.

"Wow," was all Nik could say.

"And then poor Hestia comes crying to me because she doesn't know how to help her nephew. Now she's concerned about Ares and Apollo hanging around each other and now that they're practically barricading themselves in Hephaestus' workshop," he finished. His arms were now crossed and tensed as he clenched his jaw in anger at his family.

Nik moved to his side and rubbed her hand over her back. Hades slowly relaxed and then added, "He's similar to me, getting judged for his domains and the gold eyes," he said quieter.

"You have gold eyes?" Nik asked.

"We don't really mention it to anyone, not even Nico and Bianca know. You know the Roman Gods?"

Nik nodded, "Marcel is named after Mars," she said.

"Well, the Greeks had eventually turned into the Romans, so we have our Roman sides and we have our Greeks sides, but the demigods don't know about each other," Hades explained. Then his appearance slightly shifted, his body became more like a military like and his grew a bit more shiny as his eyes shown in gold, "Hello Niklaus, I am Pluto," he spoke, grabbing Nik's hand and kissed the top of it making Niklaus slightly smile and to her utter shock she blushed. Even more to Niklaus' shock, she felt a shift in her head. 'What was that?...No, it couldn't be...' she thought, 'My wolf?' She wondered why she hadn't noticed the shifting before, 'Oh, wait, I was running from Mikael, Zeus, and Maria just died.'

"Once I was revealed, I felt the hesitance amongst my siblings. When we eventually turned Greek again, the minimal amount of communication I had amongst my siblings disappeared other than N-Poseidon or V-Hestia," Pluto explained, "Then Apollo is in still in the same predicament, he's Apollo in both Greek and Roman, so they still thought of him the same way."

Then Apollo and Marcel came back over but Apollo had a more tensed posture like Pluto did. "Uncle," Apollo greeted with a polite nod. Niklaus noticed the Romans seemed more disciplined and that made her worry for Apollo slightly; she felt like Apollo couldn't be himself if he didn't change between two different pantheons but still had to act differently between them.

"What?" Marcel asked in confusion.

"The Greek Gods are also the Roman Gods. They basically have two different personalities except Apollo. This is Pluto, Hades' Roman counterpart," Nik said.

"Named after Mars, strong name," Pluto said, "Mars would like that."

"I do," a new gruff voice spoke. They turned to see someone with a similar posture with shades covering his eyes and a leather jacket made of what looked to be human skin.

"IS that human skin?" Niklaus asked.

"It is," Mars smiled, "Ares and I have always wanted to meet you, and I got to meet you first!"

Then Pluto changed back to Hades as Apollo relaxed and Mars' brown hair shifted to bit more blonde before he lifted his shades revealing red eyes. "I noticed Apollo missing," Ares said. The God of War also noticed his uncle holding the future Original Tribrids hand and slightly smiled. The future Original Tribrid had wide eyes feeling her wolf also reacting to Hades.

"I needed to be here," Apollo said.

"To meet The Niklaus Mikaelson before me," Ares said in offense making Apollo snicker.

"Exactly," Apollo teased.

"Ah, come on," Ares said with a smirk, pulling Apollo away.

"You can visit anytime," Nik said with a kind smile and Apollo beamed before they went away.

Nik looked back at Hades who went back to grumbling, "Why are you acting like you're jealous, I don't have that kind of interest in people with my same hair color," she said with a teasing smirk as he froze. Marcel looked grossed out.

Apollo watched the scene with Ares. Hades would get someone who would make him happy. He would be reunited with his children who would find their own happiness, especially his son who Apollo saw with one of his own sons.

(Anymore suggestions for filler chapters?)

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