Chapter Three

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Nico sobbed while Bianca quietly watched with tears streaming down her cheeks. Nico was in Nik's arms while Bianca was in Hades' and they all watched people evacuating the building as they tried to put out the fire.

"Our uncle killed our mother...why?" Bianca spoke in a whisper when she asked the question.

"Because my brother wants to start something with me apparently," Hades grumbled.

"Listen, from what I know from over 900 years of existence," Nik started, kneeling down with the children, "Some people are different—unique compared to others and it makes people jealous," thunder rumbled and apparently Zeus was shocked as it immediately stopped when Nik flipped up her middle finger, "He knows he can't kill me so he can suck it," she added and the children let out teeny tiny laughs. Hades chuckled briefly before he went quiet wondering where he could hide his children.

"Where are we going to go?"

"Ma?!" a voice called in the distance.

Nik's head perked up, "Marcellus?!" she called and suddenly a darker skinned man had his arms wrapped his arms around her. "I saw you in the building and got worried and then I saw him and had to run but then I heard you," the man rambled.

Nico and Bianca shared an amused look when their father's aura grew just a hair bit (a lot) and saw him glaring slightly at the man, but then it had gone away when Nik had said the man's name. The look they shared said 'papa got jeeeeaaaaalllloooouuusss.'

"Marcel, this is Nico and Bianca, Maria's children," Nik said introducing them. Marcel introduced himself and then was introduced to Hades who was hiding the jealousy he won't admit he had to Nik's son.

'Uncle could you stick the two vampires in a shadow?' Hades hears his nephew call. His eyes widen as he suddenly grabs Nik and Marcel and throws them in a shadow as Nico and Bianca quickly look away seeing a bright light.

"I just didn't want them to get burnt if those rings somehow don't work around me," Apollo said holding up his hands when he saw his uncle's glare. Hades brought the two back out. "Hi, I'm Apollo," the blonde god introduced himself. He then muttered something under his breath, "Could I check something? It involves taking your rings off," immediately Nik and Marcel glared, "I swear on the River Styx I'm not intentionally trying to cause you harm," he said really quickly.

Nik and Marcel immediately turn to Hades who was looking at his nephew in curiosity, "That's an oath he can't take back. Also, he's a truth detector, it's hard for him to lie," Hades said.

"What happens if he doesn't follow through?" Nik asked. Marcel briefly grabbed her hand knowing what she meant. Elijah, Rebekah, and Nik supposedly had a "Always & Forever" oath but Rebekah and Elijah betrayed it.

"The goddess Styx gets to punish them," Hades answered.

Nik nodded and then hesitantly took her ring off and Marcel followed. They handed their rings to Nico and Bianca who had moved closer to the two vampires and flinched when a bright light passed in front of them. "Yay, it worked," Apollo bounced with a beaming smile.

" took away their sun weakness?" Hades asked in surprise.

"Mhmm," Apollo hummed with a nod.

Nik and Marcel shared a look before they hesitantly stuck their hands out of the shadowed protection of the tree they were under. Their skin hit the sunlight and it didn't burn. "Why?" Nik asked in a soft voice. Marcel couldn't help the little smile that appeared on his face, not just because of the sun, but the motherly tone he hears when they were away from Rebekah and Elijah when he was growing up.

Apollo didn't say anything and looked like he was holding in what he wanted to say. "Apollo, I'm not going to stop you have a bit of knowledge you want to share. I'm not Athena," Hades said.

"I figured with you running from your stepfather it would help you stay hidden and not have to worry if he or someone else gets their hands on your daylight jewelry. Since Marcel is your son, I gave it to him too," Apollo answered, looking surprisingly sheepish.

Nik paused before she went over and hugged him, "Thank you," she whispered, happy she could feel the sun without the clunky jewelry. Well, she liked jewelry, she just didn't want to keep wearing the same stone.

Apollo tensed before relaxing into the hug. He didn't really get any hugs. His twin wouldn't hug him because he was male, his mother didn't really see him, his stepmother—fuck no. Apollo did pull away and then he looked at the two demigods before looking at his uncle, "I would put them in the Lotus Casino," he said.

"Why?" Hades said a bit louder and Apollo flinched.

Nik instinctively put a hand on the dark haired god's arm and everyone noticed how much calmer he suddenly got, "What is so big about the Lotus Casino and why do you want them there?" she asked calmly.

"There's a prophecy coming and it's going to affect the children of the Big Three, and I have this feeling it won't be for a while and Nico and Bianca will be targets form father because of your reputation—I did not say anything so I don't know why he tried to kill them now," Apollo started explaining, "What I can say is Nico and Bianca are meant to be alive further in the future," he said, then turning to Nik, he says, "The Lotus Casino is full of the Lotus Eaters and if you get stuck in it and eat the Lotuses then you're stuck in there and don't know how long time has passed because you're too busy playing games. They'll be fearful of two children of the God of the Dead so Nico and Bianca would eb safe in there," he explained.

"Why can't we go with Nik?" Nico asked. They knew they couldn't stay in the Underworld if they needed to stay hidden.

Nik knelt down, "Little Prince, I have a lot of enemies and I'm currently running from my stepfather who's set out to kill me, and my brother's lover who's determined to steal him back. I don't want anything to happen to you or your sister and if Apollo is saying you're supposed to be around somewhere in the future, then it would be best to take his suggestion," she said, "but, hold on," she looked up at the two gods, "Would vampire blood work on a demigod?"

"It would," Apollo said handing off two vials connected to chains.

Nik didn't ask questions and grabbed them extending her fangs and biting her wrist and dropping blood into the vials before closing them and handing them to the siblings, "I don't know when I'll see you when you get out, but if you two are harmed and have no ambrosia and nectar, take this and make sure you don't die," she told them. The kids nodded and accepted the vials, putting them around their necks.

Hades then took the children and the mother and son with him to the Lotus casino where Apollo quickly joined. "When will we come out?" Bianca asked. Apollo's eyes flickered gold and then he answered, "2008" he answered.

"How about when Persephone or I can get to here, we'll give you some things so you can keep up with the years?" Hades suggested.

"Wish I could do that with Kol and Finn," Nik muttered.

Nico and Bianca nod before hugging their father, godmother, and surprisingly their godbrother before entering. "Don't eat the flowers!" Hades called.

"We know!" Nico and Bianca call back before they disappear, not to be seen for seventy years.

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