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Finn, Elijah, Rebekah, and Kol were sitting together when they heard a new voice followed by crying. They all shared a look before speeding up the stairs and finding it coming from the room they just left Niklaus in. "What happened?" a teen's voice called.

"My siblings hate me," Nik's voice responded and to their shock, she sounded emotional. Niklaus Mikaelson was responsible for the crying they heard earlier.

"Why?" the boy asked curiously.

Rebekah was about to storm in there, but Elijah grabbed her arm to stop her.

"They think I meant about the daggers," Niklaus responded making the siblings freeze. This little boy knew about the daggers?

"They attacked you?!" the teen had slightly raised his voice into a yelling whisper.

"Yes," Niklaus responded.

"But your—," the male teen said.

"They didn't know Little Prince," Nik responded.

"He didn't even know you were attacked, he sent me because you were upset and was the least temperamental," the boy said.

They heard a small chuckle, "You're all temperamental. You're your father's child, you have a temper, you just haven't fully grown into it," Nik laughed, shocking her siblings again.

"Papa, Ares, and Ansel would've tortured them and Apollo would've burned them alive. Marcel would be watching laughing with popcorn with Persephone and Henrik ," the boy said. Elijah and Rebekah's eyes widened when a 'Marcel' was mentioned. "Now why would they attack you when they've done worse to you, besides Kol?" the boy asked. Kol's eyes slightly narrowed in anger, but he wanted an answer.

Nik let out another sniffle, "For Finn I can understand it's been 900 years, but he had been so depressed with what we are and I know it was mother's influence and she did something to him, but I could never find the right witch to help me clear his head of mother's influence. The longer time went on, I got frustrated because I couldn't help him and then Sage, his wife, kept trying to take him, not knowing what was wrong and I didn't want to be called paranoid by more people, but I knew something was wrong with my brother," Finn's eyes widened in complete shock, his mother did what to him?!

"Then Hecate finally had a solution to clear his head without letting Esther know and then they all got stolen from me," the siblings narrowed their eyes in confusion, "Then Elijah, he just always assumes something bad of me and kept trying to stop me. If he had gotten our siblings, he would've lost them as soon as he laid eyes on the doppelganger. He seriously has a problem with them," Rebekah and Kol nodded in agreement making Elijah look offended, "He was going to kill me when I broke my curse because he truly believed I actually threw my siblings in the ocean," the three siblings all looked at Elijah in shock as their sister cried again, Elijah looked down in shame as they continued listening.

"Rebekah was so torn up about her lovers not being right, her last one was because she called Mikael and put Marcel in danger because she wanted me dead," now the siblings looked at a paling Rebekah in shock.

"Kol, my sweet Koala," Kol's head popped up hearing the name he hasn't heard in so long, "He had just truly been angry about his magic not being there. He was attracting Mikael and I didn't want to lose another little brother all because he was angry," Nik listed off and all the siblings now looked down in shock and ashamed of hearing the true reasons behind the daggers.

"Why do you even bother with them??" the teen stated bluntly, making the siblings look up in shock and anger. "Finn and Kol are excusable, but now they're directing their anger towards a person who doesn't deserve the anger. But Elijah held you as you were cursed," Elijah looked ashamed of himself as his siblings looked at him in absolute anger, "He runs off with all the Petrova doppelgangers not understanding he's the reason they're in danger in the first place. I'm sure he's told your life story to this current one," the teen said and Elijah looked down shameful.

"Then there is Rebekah," the teen continued, "She called Mikael, the man who tortured you growing up, the man that was supposed to be your father, to you because she was throwing a hissy fit. She controlled Marcel until you compelled him to not listen to Rebekah's compulsions," Rebekah covered her mouth to not audibly gasp and give themselves away.

"Finn and Kol who were treated almost as bad as you were when you guys were turned, but you were protecting them, not in an ideal way, but you were doing what you needed to do. Papa said you were going to undagger them as soon as we sensed Mikael be killed but then Stefan Salvatore stole the caskets for the doppelganger," the teen revealed, the siblings were shocked, they were going to undaggered? "But then Elijah devises that plan and then let your siblings attack you." The oldest and youngest brother looked at Elijah in anger while Rebekah still looked shameful.

"My point is, you're getting married," the siblings' heads all snapped back to the door, "you have three unofficially adopted sons, not including me, I'm the special stepson," they heard Nik let out another small laugh, "you have two best friends, one who'll help Finn and Kol," the mentioned brothers looked at each other in suspicion, "And you have your actual father back, and your youngest brother," the siblings all looked even more gobsmacked then they did before. Henrik was alive?! "So what really is the point of having these siblings around. You're done with the doppelganger. You have blood just in case you need to turn someone. Just leave. Enjoy your wedding. Enjoy your time with Papa—I can't believe I just said that," the teen sounded disgusted and Nik was heard letting out a loud laugh.

The siblings all walked away, a numbing shock running over them. They didn't know there sister like they thought. "Niklaus is getting married?" Elijah questioned, "The one who once called love a weakness is getting married."

"She was right about my lovers, I moved to fast," Rebekah admitted glumly.

Kol and Finn shared a look. They knew their mother wasn't home...Kol zoomed up to his room and came zoomed back down with bats and tossed one to Finn and they both hit Elijah and Rebekah with them—multiple times—the bruises didn't want to heal. They heard Nik's door opening and tossed the baseball bats as Nik stormed out, "What is going on?" she asked angrily but her expression dropped seeing Kol and Finn with innocent smiles. "Nothing," the two said, briefly seeing a curly black hair and pale skin behind the blonde woman who looked slightly amused before turning around and leaving.

(This will be similar to Unknown Factors as this will be some part in the future and the story will start before the prologue)

Margot Robbie as Niklaus Mikaelson

Ben Barnes as Hades

Finn Wolfhard as Nico di Angelo

Need faclaims for:



Ansel (Nik's father)



Will Solace (yes Solangelo)

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