IX. Doesn't matter

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I just want to talk to you.

Read: 6:19 pm

Sighing, Nadia simply turned her cell phone face down on the table. "Sorry," she mumbled to Rebecca. "What were you saying?"

"Is that Elijah?" Rebecca asked before taking a drink of her coffee. The two of them decided to go out for a late lunch and catch up.

Her phone vibrated against the table with no doubt another message from Elijah. "Yeah, it is". She didn't even bother to look at it this time.


Please, Nadia. Just hear me out.

Delivered: 6:21 pm

Rebecca eyed her friend curiously. "What happened? Why're you ignoring him?"

Nadia turned her phone off completely. "Doesn't matter".

"Your whole demeanour changed just from seeing his name pop up on your phone screen, so yeah. I do think it matters".

"Well, I just don't want to talk about it". Leaning back on her chair, Nadia subconsciously tugged at her sweater sleeves, pulling them until her fingertips were barely peeking through.

It'd been a couple days, but there were still faint bruises adorning her wrists.

"And, that's fine," Rebecca nodded in understanding. "But, when you do— "

She shook her head, her tone clipped, "I won't".

"Alright, be difficult then".

They ate the rest of their lunch in a sort of tense silence after that, Rebecca casting the occasional worried glance over at Nadia. Soon, a waitress was ushered over with the cheque book in her hand.

"I've got it," Nadia said to her friend, digging into her purse for her wallet. She gave the woman her card with a somewhat forced smile, turning back to Rebecca once she left.

Before Rebecca could even attempt to bite her tongue, she said what was on her mind without much thought. "You know, I can't help but feel a little offended to know you feel you can't trust me enough with whatever that's bothering you".

She was going to say more, but the waitress came back and handed Nadia her card. "Thanks," Nadia told her, putting her things back in order.

"I understand you're a private person, and I've respected that for as long as I've known you. But, seeing how you are right now, I can't ignore it".


"Okay?" Rebecca raised a brow and took one last sip of her coffee.

Nadia nodded. "Okay, as in I'll tell you," she lied. Standing up, Nadia grabbed her purse, "but, not today".

When she did, Rebecca's eyes darted to her hands. Nadia tugged her sweater down further, silently praying she didn't see anything.

Rebecca stood up as well and gave her a hug goodbye. Nadia ignored the look of concern her friend gave her and returned the hug.

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