"What are you doing here, Slash?" Raph asked. 

"We're taking care of the Kraang. I got a new partner now." Slash stated. 

That's when the Newtralizer appeared. 

"Destruction to the Kraang!" Newtralizer exclaimed. 

"So awesome. Who is that?" Casey asked. 

"An alien psycho called the Newtralizer. What are you guys doing, Slash?" I asked. 

"What you and your turtle brothers couldn't: Wiping out the Kraang. Keep out of the way!" Slash exclaimed. 

He starts to attack with his battle mace while Newtralizer gets inside the truck.

"All right, Y/n and I will take Slash and Newtralizer. While you hang back and get-" Raph said. 

Casey already went after them.

"Aw, Casey!" Raph exclaimed. 

"Goongala!" Casey exclaimed. 

Casey starts to attack but gets knocked.

"Look out!" I screamed. 

I saves my boyfriend from an incoming truck. Inside, the Newtralizer finds the plutonium.

"Just what I was looking for. And now the Plutonium. Slash, we have what we came for."  Newtralizer stated. 

He gives Slash the device. Raph, in anger, started to attack Slash.

"See you got a new partner, too, Raphael. A human? You gonna betray him the way you betrayed me? It's nice to see your little sister again. Hello, Y/n." Slash said.  

"Still holding on to the past, huh, Spike? And you leave Y/n and her...boyfriend out of this." Raph said. 

"I told you, it's Slash now!" Slash shouted. 

She throws me and Raph away. Newtralizer begins to teleport along with Slash when Casey tries to attack.

"Ooh! I think we're in deep trouble." Raph said. 

"You think Raph? I think I hit my head." I stated. 

In the kitchen, Casey is clutching his head.

"My head. Raph, ice me. N/n, need an ice pack?" Casey and I nodded. 

Kitty gives Raph two ice packs and gives it to Casey and me.

"You should have never got involved, Casey. Slash and Newtralizer are way too powerful." Raph stated. 

"Those two goons are nothing. They lucked out. Won't happen again." Casey stated. 

"Let's focus, people. We got two crazy mutants running around. Blowing up the streets." Leo stated. 

"I think we should shadow the Kraang until they show up." I stated. 

"Easy. Since Slash and the Newtralizer are using Plutonium to power their teleportation, we can look for traces of residual radiation. Mikey, would you stop eating the Kraang locations?" Donnie asked. 

"Hold on, D I'm about to get the high score. And...." Mikey said. 

Donnie takes it away.

"Aww." Mikey whined. 

Then I feel Phoenix jump in my lap and I pet her scales and she eats the sardines I set out for her on the counter. 

"Phoenix is really adorable, but of course I know someone way cuter than some dragon." Casey said. 

TMNT 2012: Y/n HamatoWhere stories live. Discover now