Chapter 55

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Giovanni- then
I've been avoiding Amara for a little over a week.

I know what I want, I just want her to grovel a bit.

Currently it's about 3am and I'm in the kitchen because I can't sleep.

I've made myself a glass of water when I hear some footsteps approaching the kitchen.

I grab the closest knife I can find.

The second that person comes in the kitchen I push them up against the wall and hold the knife against their throat.

The second my mind clears and I see it's just Amara and that was probably the dumbest thing I could've done, I put her down. I put the knife back and quickly apologise.

"It's fine, it's not the first time I've had a knife used on me, won't be the last either." She says.


I glance down at her in her little shorts and camisole.

She walks to the fridge and takes out some water.

I glance down at her hand, no engagement ring.

"No ring?" I question.

"We uh called it off." She tells me.

It's over. Thank god.

"Why?" I ask.

She rolls her eyes as she un screws the cap of her water.

"You know why." She says as she heads to leave the kitchen.

No way.

"Wait a minute." I tell her, making her stop.

"Yes?" She turns around, looking at me.

"Humor me." I say taking a step closer to her.

She crosses her arms, looking up at me.

"Because I know what I want and it's not him. I'm giving you your space. There's a lot to commit to if you say you want me and you need to understand that." She says.

She's so beautiful.

"You saying you want me?" I ask. I tuck a strand of her behind her ear whilst she looks up at me.

"I do. And I'm sorry for not making that clearer with you and not letting you express your feelings. I wasn't thinking clear and that's all on me, not you." She says.

"Did I just hear you admitting you're in the wrong?" I ask.

I can't quite believe what she's saying, she's saying everything I want and need to hear.

"Shut up." She laughs.

"I want you too." I tell her.

Her eyes light up. I feel lighter.

"You do?" She asks, still scared of me shutting her down.

"I do. I really like you and I would like to marry you one day. I would like to help you unpack all your baggage. I would like to have you in my life." I tell her.

I want her. Have done since the start.

"Will you take me?" I ask her.

"If you take me right back." She smiles.

I take a step closer to her to close the distance between us.

She wraps her arms around my neck and pulls me down to meet her lips.

"Can we have sex?" She asks pushing up against me.

"Duh." I say pushing her backwards towards a stool.

The Harsh lifeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ